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Top Ten Tuesday #6: Bookish Goals For 2013



Top Ten Bookish Goals For 2013

  1. Read at least 52 books -- a book a week. I've been doing it the past two years, I don't plan on stopping now.
  2. Read 12 books that have been on my shelf for over a year. I have over 500 books on my shelves, and I've probably only read half of those, if not even less.
  3. Read the Lord of the Rings. I still can't believe I haven't read these yet, but I will this year.
  4. Read the rest of A Song of Ice and Fire, by George R. R. Martin. On Monday I picked up A Clash of Kings again after having put it down last September at 300 pages (not that it was bad -- it was amazing -- but it was hard to focus during school, and unfortunately I needed a faster-paced book). I'm now over page 850, and should finish it tomorrow.
  5. Read more Sherlock Holmes. I've actually only read a few of his short stories, so I plan to read more, if not all, this year.
  6. Finally read a book by Stephen King. Another author that I surprisingly haven't read anything by yet.
  7. Finally read Without Remorse, by Tom Clancy. And perhaps his other early Jack Ryan books, as I've only read Dead or Alive and later.
  8. Read at least two Science Fiction books from my shelves. I don't read Sci-Fi much. In fact, I could probably count on one hand how many Sci-Fi books I've read. So I hope to read at least a couple this year.
  9. Finish collecting some book series that I am in the middle of collecting. I have a small obsession where I like to have every book in a series if I enjoyed the first book (or even if I haven't read a book yet =P).
  10. Stop buying so many new series until I've read the ones I have. Because I can get so many books for so cheaply at my local used books store (both hardback and paperback for either $1 or $5), and mostly in good-to-new condition, I'll often go on book-buying sprees. While I love it, and I think there's anything wrong with it, I do think I should hold off buying entire new series until I've read the ones I have. =P

~ Velox


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I have over 500 books on my shelves, and I've probably only read half of those, if not even less.

Just wanted to say I'm glad it's not just me in that accursed situation. :P

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:kaukau: 1. Finish Les Miserables.

2. Finish The Diary of a Young Girl

3. Finish The Hobbit

4. Finish The Lord of the Rings

5. Get my hands on some Superman comics


Notice that I never said "start". I've started all of these things, but have never finished them.


By the way, if I were to recommend any book by Stephen King, I would go with On Writing, A Memoir. Very good stuff, and something I've read through twice. I personally want to finish his extended edition of The Stand, which I tried last summer but ran out of time.



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Don't worry, I'm still halfway through LotR, and I haven't read anything by Stephen King (though there is plenty I want to read by him).

If you're looking for sci-fi, I hear Ready Player One is marvelous, Redshirts is hilarious, and Robopaclypse is like the book form of an amazing blockbuster movie. All three are on my "to read" list.

I need to read more Sherlock Holmes too. :)


That's very ambitious and admirable that you're aiming for 52 books this year. Best of luck! I bet having some books that only take a few days to finish will help balance out the bigger books that might take more than a week.



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Best of luck to you on reading 52 books. I plan on doing half of that, a book every two weeks instead. Unfortunately I'm late on the first book, so I'm having to finish it in three days because I came up with this idea well after the start of the New Year.


I haven't read Lord of the Rings either, so don't feel bad. I only watched the movies last year, and found them to be pretty interesting. I unfortunately realized that I (accidentally) had used the name Rohan in my epic, without knowing of its usage in Lord of the Rings. =P


I might pick up the books sometime, along with The Hunger Games. I obtained some money after selling some jewelry I made, so I should be able to pick up a couple of books with that money.

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@ Alex ~ Hahaha. Although I prefer to call it "wonderful." =P


@ Kraggh ~ Ah, nice. Yeah I started LOTR about ten years ago, but never finished. But yeah, I definitely plan to reading On Writing, but in this list I was talking about fiction only. =P I have his first three novels (B&N Leatherbound Collectible Edition) so I hope to read at least one of those this year.


@ Ben ~ All right, thanks, I'll look into those. Though probably won't be getting around to them any time soon. Gotta read the ones on my shelves first haha. But yeah, definitely. There's some books that only take a day or two, and others that'll take a week or two. =P But thanks!


@ Peach ~ Thanks! Good luck to you, too! But hey, at least you did finally see the movies. They, along with Nolan's Batman trilogy, are definitely some of my favorite movies, so I'm really excited to read the books (also since I enjoyed The Hobbit and the Children of Hurin). But awesome! I love buying books. ^_^

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