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Top Ten Tuesday #10: Books I Had to Buy...but are Still Unread



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March 19: Top Ten Books I HAD To Buy...But Are Still Sitting On My Shelf Unread

  1. The Presidential Agent series, by W.E.B. Griffin. I actually bought this whole series, but I haven't read any yet--I'm somewhat of a completionist, so when I bought the first one, thought it sounded interesting, and found out that there weren't that many in the series...I just wanted to buy them all before I started reading them. I have read other things by Griffin, though.
  2. Coup d'état, by Ben Coes. I was looking for this for a long time, every time I'd go to a bookstore. Then I finally got it almost a year ago, but still haven't read it.
  3. The Bob Lee Swagger series, by Stephen Hunter. I read the first book before buying the others, but have only read the second book since having bought them all. I definitely plan to, I just haven't gotten around to it.
  4. The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini. Way back when I first started collecting books, this was one of the first that I "had" to have.
  5. The Shadow of the Wind, by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Same as Kite Runner.
  6. The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun, by J.R.R. Tolkien. I mean, come on, it's Tolkien. So every time I'd go to a used bookstore I'd keep an eye out for this. Still haven't read it, though.
  7. The BIONICLE Adventures series. Again, I'm a completionist, so when I had read all of the Legends, I just had to get the Adventures and read them. Still haven't done that yet, but I do now have every book.
  8. Open Season, by C.J. Box. There was a time when I was actively hunting this down for a while, but it's been sitting on my shelf for over a year.
  9. Tom Clancy books. I've only read Dead or Alive and later (as well as Patriot Games), but I just had to get all of the old Jack Ryan books too. And I had meant to read them a lot sooner, but...I haven't.
  10. The Count of Monte Cristo, by Alexandre Dumas. Just another of those books that I had to have, but it's just been sitting on my shelf for a while. I do hope to read it this year, though.

~ Velox


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Dude, I have about 60 unread books on my shelf. Most of which are mine, most of which I've paid for. It makes me a little sad, but then I perk up when I realize I'm going to read a lot of those this year.


From the sounds of your reading plans for the year, I bet you'll finish these with no problem.


I think the last Bionicle Legends/Adventures book (whichever series was in Bara Magna) I bought wasn't the last one published, and it took me a few months to finally say "ok just let me read it already" because as much as I enjoyed the story, I was well beyond caring at this point.



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Haha yeah I know what you mean. Having so many books bought but unread (over a hundred, for sure), always makes me feel slightly sad/disappointed that I haven't read them, but then I just think "It'll be a long time before I run out of things to read" which is a good feeling haha.


But yes, I definitely plan to finish most of these, at least. I'm trying to force myself for once to not re-read books, so that I can finish more unread books, but...who knows how long that will last. =P


Yeah, I think there might actually be a few books I don't have from Bara Magna (the last book I have is The Final Battle), but I don't really care at this point--I'm just glad I have every book before then. Maybe my slightly-OCD-must-have-every-book-in-the-series will make me get those last couple, but who knows.

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