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A Beautiful Celebration



So I was Confirmed today. For those who don't know, it means I received one of the Seven Roman Catholic Sacraments today - that of Confirmation. I'm sure 55555, What?, ChocolateFrogs, and any one else that's Catholic will know what I'm talking about.


Anyway, it was cool. And long. Like two hours or something. But fun none-the-less.


And... I'm going to lunch right now, I think, with my family. So, I'll probably blog later...


Oh, and I'm re-writing Requiescat In Pace [reviews are still appreciated] in a humanized form. More on that later, too... basically I want to give it to my English teacher to see what he thinks as well as re-write a few scenes/add some scenes.


Oh and something I just thought up - I hate it when I do a really long review for an MOC and the person ends up replying to everyone else but me. If I were the MOCer, I'd reply to the long posts more than the short ones. Plus, those reviews take a long time. [This doesn't happen that often but it's happened a few times to me within the last few months]




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Oh and something I just thought up - I hate it when I do a really long review for an MOC and the person ends up replying to everyone else but me. If I were the MOCer, I'd reply to the long posts more than the short ones. Plus, those reviews take a long time. [This doesn't happen that often but it's happened a few times to me within the last few months]


Then that makes them a bad MOCist. I'm assuming that the really short posts are spammy pieces of praise, and the MOCist only wants to accept that praise, and not the criticism. But that doesn't mean you should stop writing reviews. Keep on reviewing, until they get the message that they're not the nest MOCist eber.



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Lulz, I know. But the criticism is always the most important, and as long as you have that, you're good to go.





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Yeah, I have a lot of criticism too. I usually start out with saying 'nice MOC' or 'not a bad MOC' and then just start reviewing it - usually with criticism. Though, I say everything I really like, too. So if it's one of DV's MOCs, there's a lot more compliments than criticisms. :P


But, yeah, I try to find something that I think would make it look better [which isn't very hard, usually].



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I got confirmed last year. Afterwards, I had an awesome lunch at some fancy place. :D


I still won't discuss any of my real beliefs though.


That MOC thing happens to me all the time. It sucks.

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The Archbishop interrogated me at mine. :fear:




Lol. I'm sure he would, but we have a bunch of people to go through it... like two hundred or something. =P



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