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My Dear BВⅭ



:: mvtv48654.png ::


What happened? Almost every single topic I look at has at least one post that's spam. Or even if a post isn't spam, all it says is, "I like the legs." or something extremely short like that.


And, why must almost everyone put extremely large pictures into their topics? I'm being completely honest here: I visit a topic [to review - I might just be browsing for pleasure, and this doesn't count for that] if the name [or MOCist, depending] sounds interesting. However, if the pictures won't load within a couple seconds, I simply press the "back" button. Unless the MOC sounds extremely cool, I won't review it if it has extremely large pictures. You can count on that. I shouldn't have to wait five minutes just for the pictures to load. I mean, I don't mind fairly-large pictures [like 800 or so pixels], but once you get in the thousands, that's way too big.


It's even a rule of BBC that your pictures can't be larger than 640x640.


Just re-size your pictures, it's not that hard. In fact, there's a website you can go to [though I forget what it's called - I saw Primus link to it once in a review he wrote]. Or you can just download some free image editing program. I'll edit this part here with some links/names if I can find any good ones.


Speaking of pictures, I suggest that everyone visits this topic before taking pictures.


And, please, for the love of Pete, say more than just a sentence or two in your review [unless it's a really small MOC or something]. Even if the rules of BBC don't consider saying "I love the legs!!!" spam, I do [though I won't report things like that]. I mean, everyone should be able to say more than that. Seriously. I'm not asking everyone to write a full, in-depth review [though those would be MUCH better, and everyone should try to do those], but just a few sentences explaining what you like/don't like and why.


That's why I started the BBC Critics Club. To get more people to make better reviews. It seemed to be working, but what happened? No one's reviewed anything in a while. I'll definitely review a few [at the least] MOCs a week as soon as finals are done [Wednesday].


And, if you're a critic, you are expected to review EVERY MOC as if you're reviewing it for the BBC CC. I [or one of the Co-Curators] will be PMing each critic saying just that: Any MOC you review should be reviewed well. I've already seen several critics review something in the BBC Forum with a review that would earn a Junior/Average review, so I'm going to make it official, and I'll most likely be adding it to the rules, too.


Oh, and if someone says, "the gallery isn't public," please don't say the same thing. I really hate it when a bunch of people post saying the gallery isn't public [and it's not usually because of the server - these are a fair amount of time apart from each other].


And, don't say "I'll vote for you!" in the topic. Seriously, just don't. Wait until the polls are made to decide who you're going to vote for.



Please, BBC. I know you can be better than this.


And, I encourage everyone to read the rules of BBC again, and then report anything that's violating a rule. If we want to see BBC cleaned up, we have to do it ourselves. It starts with us. Let's clean the ship.




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Though I don't go to BBC...I agree completely! The spammy/lazy posting can be quite appalling! And all that oversized images, repeating the same statement, errggh...I understand muchily. :(



Yup. Though I assume that GA can be some-what the same at times [at least, that's what I've heard].



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Though I don't go to BBC...I agree completely! The spammy/lazy posting can be quite appalling! And all that oversized images, repeating the same statement, errggh...I understand muchily. :(



Yup. Though I assume that GA can be some-what the same at times [at least, that's what I've heard].




Yeah, sometimes... I especially get all those people who never give me any criticism, just say something like, "good," or just repeat what's been said by others before them, which I don't need to know anymore...


It just annoys me sometimes. ><

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Spammish posts are also very common in the Art and Writing forums...that really gets to me. I mean, seriously, what does it take for people to write a decent review? Three sentences even! People say "But I'm not good at reviewing..." Um...that's because you don't TRY.


And with really large pictures, I admit I'm guilty of it. However, I suggest posting the thumbnail that brickshelf PROVIDES on the topic, and link it to the picture. If people can't resize it.



I agree with you one-hundred percent. I mean, like I said in the entry, I'm not asking for uber long in-depth posts [though those are appreciated], but just a few sentences [like you said, three even!].


That is also a good idea. I mean, why not use what other people provide?



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Thank you a hundred times over for posting this. One-sentence/spammy reviews are really starting make me go insane. :wacko: Sadly, it can be like that everywhere -- in the BBC, Epics Forum, and any other place. I'm most familiar with the BBC and Epics Forums, and they both have spammy "reviews." I'd love to get an actual review normally, myself, and I'm sure other MOCists feel the same way.


~ BioGaia



No problem. And you're perfectly right. I haven't looked at that many topics in the Library recently, due to being really busy, but I definitely have seen a lot of "Awesome work! I love it!" posts.



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Meh, if the Moderators have a problem with it, it will be cleaned up. If it's okay, it's still there. The system works fine as-is.



Just because some posts still remain doesn't mean they're ok. It may just mean that the mods haven't gotten to it yet, or no one has reported it yet.


I'm not saying anything about the system, I'm talking about the people that do these things, and how members like you and I should help the moderators out by reporting.



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I agree entirely; in particular, with my lacklustre bandwidth, the constant habit of embedding HUGE images is really beginning to make me kick my computer in sheer frustration. At the very least, though, I strive to not do either... thing you mentioned. :P
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Post count inflation anyone?


That seems to be the biggest issue in BBC, it's just an easy way for people get their post counts up. You don't even have to look at the MOC to say something like "I like the colors".


Nice rant, I do agree with you, but I also think it'd take a lot of work to change all of it.



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I agree with ya completely there (we usually do :P)


Sorry I haven't been able to help out with the BBCCC, I've just been so busy the last week! It's my plan to do alot more this week, don't worry! ;)



( ( ( curatorbbc.png ) ) )

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I agree fully with you. We must not chalk the continuance of underdone reviews up to them being okay - the Moderators are not superhuman, nor is it entirely fair for them to force people into making quality posts by disallowing low-quality posts. This requires a concerted effort on the part of the members of BZP to introduce civilian quality-control standards for these reviews. RoboNinjaDevil attempted the same thing for COTRPGs through his blog, and I think this club is the perfect conduit for improving BBC reviews.


There is one nagging question, though... is membership in this club open?




Thanks for your post. I agree with you as well.


~ Velox

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You know, I love this entry. So many BBC topics, especially for 54, seem to have pathetic, 1-3 sentence replies. Long reviewers like you and I seem to be a dying breed. -_-





Right you are. Unfortunately.


~ Velox

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Well said. I do that already. Sometimes I clean through 3 pages of BBC topics to report spam and double posts.


I am guilty of "light reviewing" when I do review, but I at least tell people what I liked and what they can do to improve.


-=< :s: >=-

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I am guilty of "light reviewing" when I do review, but I at least tell people what I liked and what they can do to improve.

Same here.

But that was a very inspirational speah/rant/post, Velox...are you sure you're not Obama in disguise? :P


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I am guilty of "light reviewing" when I do review, but I at least tell people what I liked and what they can do to improve.

Same here.

But that was a very inspirational speah/rant/post, Velox...are you sure you're not Obama in disguise? :P


Most probably not, as he was supporting McCain.


Aaaaand probably shouldn't discuss that further.

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Yeah, no more political discussion, please [thanks Zaxvo RSD, for stopping it]. But, no, I am definitely not Obama, nor do I support him and his actions, but that's another matter entirely.


I'm glad you guys liked me "speech", though. ^_^



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Yeah, no more political discussion, please [thanks Zaxvo, for stopping it]. But, no, I am definitely not Obama, nor do I support him and his actions, but that's another matter entirely.


I'm glad you guys liked me "speech", though. ^_^



I didn't stop it, but whatever. That was romansoldierdude. Anyhow, I'll stop going on about this subject.

Lol, I guess I just stopped it.

Anyhow...what is your opinion on "light reviewing"? Spam? Not spam? Half-way there?


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Yeah, no more political discussion, please [thanks Zaxvo, for stopping it]. But, no, I am definitely not Obama, nor do I support him and his actions, but that's another matter entirely.


I'm glad you guys liked me "speech", though. ^_^



I didn't stop it, but whatever. That was romansoldierdude. Anyhow, I'll stop going on about this subject.

Lol, I guess I just stopped it.

Anyhow...what is your opinion on "light reviewing"? Spam? Not spam? Half-way there?


Whoops. Well, thanks to RSD, then. =P


It depends on your definition of 'light reviewing'. If you say what you like/don't like, then I suppose that's fine, though you should try to say how to fix the things you don't like, and explain why you like/don't like the things you like/dislike.


However, if you say something like "The head is awesome, I love the color scheme and I love the legs!!" I consider that spam [even though it's not, technically].


*image removed*


You deserve it because of this entry.


-=< :s: >=-

Why thank you, kind sir.



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Sorreh, but I think I'm going to pop out of the BBCCC. Not reviewing very many things, and I don't want to feel obligated to review everything the ways you would want me to.


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