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Avohkah Tamer


...My head...


Yeah, so, I didn't get enough sleep last night. I've got a job, though, that requires me to be out the door by 9 AM. (I run errands for my dad's business, like collecting mail from the P.O. Box and depositing checks at the bank later) Well, as it was, I was asleep at 8:55 AM, and pretty deeply asleep. My mom was walking upstairs, and called to me as she was walking past that I was late and needed to get up. Well, I did. In about a half a second. For -no reason at all-, I almost literally jumped out of bed (not out of fear at all, just me wanting to get up), and started rushing to get ready. It was only when I made it downstairs that I had the time to realize I had a pounding headache from waking up and jumping out of my bed in about a second. ><


Well, long story short, I got excused from going out the door by 9 sharp (which I could have done, but I'd have been half-asleep and that's not safe for driving on icy roads), so I used that time to wake myself up completely. Still have the headache, though.




Sorry I've not been blogging since I got my lifetime premier, I really haven't had much inspiration. LM, Turakii, and Takuma should be able to pound an idea in my head eventually, though. =)


~ :a: :t:


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