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Avohkah Tamer


Why, oh why do I never blog? I mean, it's not like I'm not on BZP much, 'cause I visit every day. I really have no good reason for not blogging.


Anyways, today's Halloween! My family doesn't really celebrate it that much, besides some pumpkin carving and dressing up in a costume for fun if I want to, though we don't Trick-or-Treat.


Now, I'm no expert in pumpkin carving. I've never done the shave-part-of-the-surface-off-instead-of-cutting thing due to my only light source being those dim tea light candles. I don't do super-complex patterns or enter contests. Heck, I don't even carve the generic spooky faces! I carve video game designs! In fact, last year I carved a pretty darn cool Half-Life 2 design on my pumpkin.


This year I spent hours trying to think of how I could top that awesomely geeky HL2 Jack o' Lantern. Staying with my VALVe theme, I finally came up with an idea and got it carved-- JUST before the Trick-or-Treaters started showing up! That's right, a Portal 2 pumpkin!


And here it is lit up!


And here's the template, if you'd like to print it out and carve your own! (Made from a vector image of the Aperture Science logo, and a portion of the Portal 2 logo)


So what do you think?




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That's really cool, AT. :)


I like when people do more creative things with pumpkins than just carve faces in them.


My husband sent me this image today. Here it is lit up.

Thanks! And I saw that yesterday, it's quite awesome. I wonder where they got the miniature Dalek attachments; I'd love to have a tiny egg-whisk-ray-gun.


What pumpkin? :blink:



Wait... What? :blink:



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