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The Ghost King's Tragedy - Posted!



As of today, I have posted the first chapter of The Ghost King's Tragedy. Here's a short excerpt to get y'all interested:


“Now, my Ghosts,” said the Ghost King, looking over them all dispassionately. “For years, our island of World’s End has been ignored by the outside world. Our island has remained nothing more than a legend to outsiders, which is why we have been at peace for so many years.”


None of the Ghosts said anything, but the Ghost King, through his telepathy, heard thoughts such as And that has nothing to do with us from one disgruntled Ghost, a sentiment that was shared by the others. That was good. The Ghost King despised arrogance, for it often led to rebellion. By making it clear they were not responsible for this peace, the Ghosts could not become prideful, or so the Ghost King believed.


“Now, my Ghosts,” the Ghost King continued, “through my supernatural intuition and link to the spirits, I have discovered that four invaders have arrived on this island. What’s more, they were sent by my mortal enemy to kill me.”



Read the rest of the first chapter here.


I will update the epic once a week every Wednesday. I will also post a blog entry every Wednesday advertising the newest chapter with a short excerpt, similar to what I'm doing here.




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