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Japan Day




Today was Japan Day, and I attended to huge festival. So many people... Dx Can't forget the cosplayers, too.

First of all, the food was impossible to reach. They gave away free tea, and that had no line to it, so I got tea 8D But the food (which was free too) was harder: lines extended far, and I managed to hop onto the shortest line: for dumplings. And oh my goodness, those dumplings were good.
The line for sushi was the longest. Sorta figured that would be so. ._.

Anywho, other stuff. Pretty much all the activities had lines to them. Yo-yo fishing had a fast-moving line, so I hopped on and managed to fish out a yo-yo balloon thing. However, my hook got messed up so it took me a while to actually get one.

Origami was a fail. After waiting a bit, the guy I got didn't even know how to do the origami thing properly (it was a small leaping frog), and then we were rectangular index cards. In the end the frogs wouldn't jump. ;_;

I also got to try on a genuine kimono/yukata, despite the impossibly long wait. It was tied pretty tight around me, and the lady commented that I was pretty skinny and had to add a card of cardboard underneath the sash. It was a beautiful outfit, but so restrictive in movement. I definitely don't want to get into a combat situation while wearing one of these.

Then I checked out the toys tent, and there was a game to get a ball into a cup. It was handheld, so the ball was attached by string to a thing with three different places to get it into (looks like a hammer). I got the ball three times into one of the cups. I'm not sure what this toy is called, though.

And finally I donated some money to planting cherry trees in the park and got a t-shirt~

During the event there was a lot going on at the stage. Samurai fighting, shinobi dancing, children dancing, taiko drumming, people singing, etc. The fighting was pretty awesome, I have to say.

Overall, a nice event, but a lot of patience is needed to get through it. Also, sorry about lack of photography. xP


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Funny, you call it Japan Day, I call it D-Day.


...Still wish I coulda gone. ;_;


And from now on, you're not allowed to go to events like these without photo-taking abilities. xP


Because I'd have liked to see the Samurai and the shinobi and the drumming and the kimonos and whatnot. ;_;

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I had photo-taking abilities but I didn't use them. The crowds of people prevented anything good-quality from coming out in the shows. :/ The only photos were of me doing stuff, mostly in kimono and playing with the toy.

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