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So a few nights ago, I had a dream, and suddenly I felt like blogging it.

I'm in some strange asylum-like place with white walls (does this say anything about me?), and I'm in a room with Woody from Toy Story, who is arguing with some businessman over obscure changes to the Toy Story 3 script. So, he and I decide to bust out of there.

Woody smashes a hole into the wall behind him, and there's a corridor, where the next wall supposedly leads outside. Far down the hall, there's a perfectly cut circular hole in the wall. I leap into the corridor and run to that hole, and I find Miku Hatsune waiting for me. She's wearing some short dress that's in a slight gothic style.

Miku and I go through the hole, and we're in a hallway that appears to be part of a basement, since it's dim and has lots of pipes and whatnot. Three guards are now chasing after us, so we make a run for it. When we reach a dead end, Miku and I start to panic.

A mysterious man then appears and opens a door right next to us (I swear there was no door until he came). A flood of water comes out the door, but it completely misses us and attacks the guards. Behind the door is a staircase, so Miku, the man, and I run to the sixth floor. At that point I get suspicious.

I turn to go back down, and the man grabs Miku's wrist and runs at an impossibly fast speed upstairs. I, meanwhile, go down to the first floor, and exit the stairwell. Now I'm in a very fancy, modern, glass business building. I go out onto the street, and I recognize the street as somewhere around Penn Station in NYC (though the building is totally fictional).

I walk around, feeling the sun and the taste of freedom, but then I'm reminded of how I left Miku behind. As I start to feel guilty, three kids (maybe twelve years old?) are approaching me. I make a run for it, and go around two corners, but one of the kids zips ahead of me and stops me. I'm then surrounded, and they take me back into the business building.

The kids take me to their 'dorm' in the building, a room with two bunk beds. One bed is empty, so they give me that bed. They ask me some questions, and I tell them about what happened with Miku. They agree to let me stay with them and investigate on my own, but I have to do one job for them: Get their mail.

And there the dream ends. But dude, that was so fun to dream. I want to illustrate it now.

Totally unrelated, but leaving for Brickfair this Thursday. <3

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