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Why Guardians of the Galaxy Will Be Awesome



Essays, Not Rants! 123: Why Guardians of the Galaxy Will Be Awesome


Guardians of the Galaxy is not a Marvel movie I expected to ever happen. Not because they’re so, well, out there, but because prior to the announcement of the film I had no idea who they were. Unlike Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America, these guys had missed the general cultural osmosis that many superheroes enjoy.


So I read the comics; with the ‘new’ lineup from 2008, not from 1969. Simply put, the comics were weird. There’s a telepathic dog, time travel, a space warlock, a talking tree, and a gun-toting raccoon. Even by comic book standards it’s bizarre.


But it’s fun. There’s a cool dynamic to the changing team and their big struggle against Thanos is certainly exciting. The film is drawing on some great source material. Each of the six characters in the film are all rich within the series, which makes sense given that they’ve all been showing up in comics well before they teemed up. There’s history there.


History that the movie doesn’t need to adhere to. It’s an adaption, and as such needs to get at the heart of the idea. One of the cores of Guardians is a ragtag team who have no right to be saving the galaxy having to save the galaxy. There’s a team dynamic there that has to be maintained no matter the adaption.


Which, for all intents and purposes, the film seems to be doing. Based on trailers and such, the characters are all there. Rocket Raccoon is as sarcastic and trigger happy as he should be. Groot has heart. Drax is no-nonsense and hellbent on destroying. Gamora seems to be Drax’s distaff counterpart and properly deadly. Star Lord is roguish but trying to be heroic. The core characterization is there.And that’s quite exciting.


But what of everything else? The plot seems to be the next step of Marvel’s plans. Introducing the cosmic side of the universe allows for bigger stories later on. For the characters, meanwhile, it’s got a lot of what made The Avengers so great: it’s about a team coming together, figuring out how to be a team, and then working as a team. It’s a great personal plot structure and it works. Keeping the central conflict personal allows director James Gunn to go big and out there while we’re rooted with the characters.


That the characters seem to be the focus of it (rather than the world itself) brings to mind the original Star Wars trilogy. Like them it’s about characters in a world going on a big adventure. It’s got a very Star Wars-ian feel to it and may just out Star Wars the prequels. It has that bright, optimistic feel of adventure in a rich sprawling world. Which, adaption or not, is always a wonderful thing to have in a film.


For an idea of the fun nature of the film, look at a recently released clip which manages to balance the funny and the drama within a single scene. There’s an element of threat there, from Drax to Gamora, but there’s a wealth of humor to be found in Star Lord’s attempts at calming them down. Alongside all that we have world building going on too: Star Lord mentioning Kree and other aliens enlarges the world and gives it texture. Even from the scene alone, Rocket’s response to Star Lord’s intervention hints at their friendship. It’s a great scene, and we’re set if the rest of the film lives up to it.


I am excited for this movie, though fully aware there are things that could throw it off. But the trailers and clips thus far, as well as the 100% it has on Rotten Tomatoes while I write this are very reassuring. So yes, I am convinced Guardians of the Galaxy is gonna be awesome. Here’s to Friday. Or, y’know, Thursday night if you’re like me.

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Also, between Pratt and the ridiculously positive critical reception so far, this is feeling like The Lego Movie all over again. Needless to say, I'm very excited for it, though I do admit I lost track of time and didn't even notice that it comes out next week. I'll have to make time to watch it as soon as possible, I missed the chance to watch the last MCU movie in theaters and I am not ready to repeat that mistake again, not with this movie.

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Chris Pratt is a giant child, he's gonna kill it. I watched an interview with the cast where he talked about how he kept accidentally making "pew pew pew" "ratatatata" gun sounds with his mouth while filming scenes involving prop guns and getting yelled at for ruining thousands of dollars of footage. He's incredible. I watched all of Parks and Rec in a month, too, so I'm really used to him being ridiculous. He's such a good actor though.

You gave a really good rundown about why the movie is gonna rock and I agree 100%. I'm so pumped for it c:

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Aw man, August seemed so far away last month, and now it's like coming out this week! Crazy. I need to make viewing plans now!



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The other thing it seems to have going for it is the tone. Personally I'm kind of bored with many recent comic book movies because of just how serious they try to be. Judging by the trailers, this one looks like it's going to be laid back and poke fun at itself, and will probably be the better movie for doing so.

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