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Just So We're Clear, Rey Is The Best



Essays, Not Rants! 197: Just So We’re Clear, Rey Is The Best


Rey, of The Force Awakens, is one of those characters I really like. Not just one those who I think’s really cool (Captain Marvel, Han Solo, Aragorn), but the ones who, for me, go beyond that (Iron Man, Nathan Drake): Rey’s one of those characters who I don’t just really like, but the sort I wanna be.


So what is it about Rey’s that captured my imagination (and everyone else’s)? What makes her so special?


Obviously, spoilers for Force Awakens follow.


The role Rey plays in the story is not new, by no means. She follows the hero’s journey; one we saw done with Luke Skywalker in ’77, Harry Potter, and of course Emmet in The Lego Movie. It’s the monomyth, a nobody is actually quite special and is essential for saving the day. Finn’s arc within Force Awakens has a few of the same mythic beats, but it’s Rey’s that most closely follows it. And it’s not just men who get to be the heroes, we had Katniss and The Hunger Games a couple years ago, also a story about a young woman that embarks on her own hero’s journey. What is it then that sets Rey apart?


First off, it’s the obvious one: it’s Star Wars. This is arguably the biggest film franchise in the world, so the scale Rey’s featured in is massive. There’s six movies of continuity already in play, an issue that new characters like Harry or Katniss didn't have to deal with when their books came out. There was a lot riding on this movie and, by extension Rey herself, but it also gives her a huge platform. That’s an opportunity few stories get.


Now, this is also a franchise famous for seldom having more than one woman, and in this one Rey the protagonist (and also not the only female character with lines — it might just barely squeak by on the Bechdel test, and yes, Rey is the only new female lead, but at least there are a few more women who speak in this one). Also, Rey gets to be a Jedi. Or at least one in training. Or at least a Jedi-to-be. It’s the seventh installment and we have, for the first time, a named female character turning on a lightsaber. That’s a big fricking deal.


Putting the Star Wars branding aside, is Rey still all that different? In The Hunger Games series, Katniss had her go at the hero’s journey and the resistance narrative too. Except, she is. Rey’s adventure isn’t gendered. While Katniss’ intertwined with her gender (see: dresses, pregnancy, men-wanting-to-protect/control-her, etc), Rey very much has an everyman story. No, there’s nothing wrong with a feminine story — look at Agent Carter!but it’s such a great change to see that everyman a woman. Rey’s gender is never mentioned. Sure, Finn does keep grabbing her hand in the beginning, but it takes all of five minutes for her to get him to stop — and establish her own independence in the same beat. But that’s not all: Rey’s not underestimated because of her gender. She’s frequently described as “the scavenger” (not “that girl”) and summarily dismissed as such. She’s just Rey the scavenger. It’s refreshing to see this, and even better that it’s something as mainstream (and awesome) as Star Wars


There are a bunch of other reasons I like Rey: snarky, excitable (ie: her and Finn celebrating their escape from Jakku), courageous, and occasionally downright gleeful. She’s a wonderful, winning character and I couldn’t be happier to have her as the new Star Wars protagonist. Then, of course, we come back to the whole Star Wars-ness of it. Deep beneath the spaceships, Force, and lightsabers is the narrative about being more than you thought you were; it’s the wish fulfillment of getting to go on a great adventure. And for Rey — and, personally, one of the many reasons I love her — this also means a search for belonging.


tl;dr: Rey’s awesome, go watch The Force Awakens (again)

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I really liked both of the main characters to be honest. I think I'm a bit more interested in Finn's ark for several reasons, but I really like them both.

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Yes. Just came back from seeing the movie a second time, and so much yes.


Although Kylo Ren seemed to refer to her as "girl" quite often...



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Yes. Just came back from seeing the movie a second time, and so much yes.


Although Kylo Ren seemed to refer to her as "girl" quite often...



I've gotta rewatch it. What sticks out most, though, is Snoke going "The scavenger!?"

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Yes. Just came back from seeing the movie a second time, and so much yes.


Although Kylo Ren seemed to refer to her as "girl" quite often...



That's because Kylo Ren is a bad guy. 90% of his interactions with Rey were creepy and problematic but that was in line with his generally emotionally stunted characterization. Rey's allies and friends decidedly didn't make her gender an issue.

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It’s the seventh installment and we have, for the first time, a named female character turning on a lightsaber.

Aayla and Luminara shake their heads in disappointment.

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It’s the seventh installment and we have, for the first time, a named female character turning on a lightsaber.

Aayla and Luminara shake their heads in disappointment.



The fact that I had to look up those names to see who they were means that it's hardly comparable to the Luke Skywalker slot of the protagonists being filled by a woman.

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It’s the seventh installment and we have, for the first time, a named female character turning on a lightsaber.

Aayla and Luminara shake their heads in disappointment.



The fact that I had to look up those names to see who they were means that it's hardly comparable to the Luke Skywalker slot of the protagonists being filled by a woman.


They're certainly not comparable to Luke. I'm just mentioning that it's not truthful to say it's the first time a named woman used a lightsaber.

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It’s the seventh installment and we have, for the first time, a named female character turning on a lightsaber.

Aayla and Luminara shake their heads in disappointment.


The fact that I had to look up those names to see who they were means that it's hardly comparable to the Luke Skywalker slot of the protagonists being filled by a woman.

They're certainly not comparable to Luke. I'm just mentioning that it's not truthful to say it's the first time a named woman used a lightsaber.


Of course it's not the first time period; but it IS the first time in the main series of films, which is exactly what TMD was saying. I just watched the entire series (after seeing TFA and before watching it a second time) and if there -was- a female character onscreen with a lightsaber, I had no idea who they were.




Rey is definitely amazing; Finn and Poe were really good too. I'm hoping we'll get to see more Finn/Poe bromancing in VIII because that was so good


I'm also hoping Rey will get a double bladed lightsaber

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It’s the seventh installment and we have, for the first time, a named female character turning on a lightsaber.

Aayla and Luminara shake their heads in disappointment.


In the original version of this post I did mention that she was the only one named within the film. It didn't flow so well so I took it out.


I'm also hoping Rey will get a double bladed lightsaber


Ever since my girlfriend mentioned that idea I've been sold. Now if only I could get her to do that triple ponytail/bun thing...

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I mean, Rey is great, but Poe… *long whistle*



Too bad that whistle was longer than his screentime


And both were longer than Phasma's screentime

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