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Well I just recieved medical clearance for my work out of country which is... a mixed bag? I mean, it's good, but at the same time it just feels more real, so the fear and anxiety levels are going up.


But enough about me. How are you?

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I'm alright. Been having tooth pain that gets extremely painful, and I have been taking a lot of pain killers. Not abusing them, mind you, I take one within the windowed time as directed; I still can't help but be worried, however, my dental appointment is in two (2) weeks from now and I have already taken a lot of pills in just two weeks prior. Also, I am looking for a job but have been lazy about it, I may be more willing to search after my appointment. Other than those, I am feeling good and just wasting away the days with music, TV (mostly politics and cartoons), and video games. I should go back to reading, but it can be hard to concentrate, what with a certain annoyance and drugs making me sleepy all day. I used to read before sleeping so it would my eyes tired, so you can imagine now how I fall asleep as soon as I crack it open, almost like a dang cartoon.


So, hope is on the horizon, i just have to hold tight for a while. I'm going to be knocked out during the procedure so I should wake up numb and sore for a couple days and then i can chew with ease. Almost brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it. :)

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Totally fantasmically mortally awesome as usual. How do people live without BZP for so long? My brain is stuck trying to acclimate.

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