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4th Most Beautiful Female Character

Jean Valjean


4 - Mr. Saavik



A half-Vulcan, half-Romulan woman? Not to mention extremely attractive when played by Robin Curtis. My nerd senses went squeeling.


You know I'm a nerd when I consider one of my favorite make-out scenes of all time to be when young Spock and Saavik engage in their Vulcan version of a kiss during Spock's pon farr. I ship that relationship all the way. Especially since Mr. Saavik conceals even more emotions than he does.


Yeah, I guess some of my other screen-crushes were more meaningful, but my love for science fiction defines me. Among other things, I liked that she was referred to as "Mr." Of course, that bit was based off of Naval tradition, but I do believe in a future society where gender-specific honorifics don't exist. Meanwhile, I just liked that within the context of the movie it implied her strength. That she's competent, but not as experienced as the rest of the Enterprise officers also made her relateable and limited, so that she wasn't some sort of overcompetent heavy. That's okay, because the olde members were a bit hammy. I know I'm not on Scotty's level, so that Saavik is relatively new to this business makes it easier for me to imagine that I'm on hers. She wasn't there to play a huge role in the plot so much as she was to give some soul to the story, because Kirk's family had really only one generation to it.


She would inevitably become great over time, like the people that surrounded her, but it was really cool having a new, younger character who I also happened to really like, and she had the potential to be a mainstay in Star Trek, although the powers that be unfortunately limited her run. That's a shame, because she's my third favorite Star Trek character, and my fourth biggest screen crush. I don't quite care who they cast (well, in a sense I do), but I seriously want J.J. Abrams to find a way to bring her back into the current run of films.


But seriously. She's a Vulcan-Romulan hybrid. No matter how hard I try, my neurons rewire themselves to lead my thought process back to that indisputable fact. Vulcans and Romulans are so cool because you can literally have inhuman expectations of them. She's a dream date that I'll never have.


Every once and a while a person in real life reminds me of Mr. Saavik, though, and it's really cool. It's pretty rare, but from time to time I meet a fair lady who's incredibly intelligent and used that intelligence to do positive things for the world, like Saavik. If you can combine those elements with soul and a subtle sense of caring, like with what I see in Saavik, then you're an incredibly attractive person. Even if you're a guy, because it works both ways, and if I was a woman I would have a total crush on Spock. All hail those Vulcans and their sharpness of features and mind! If only people didn't think it was inhuman to be just slightly more like them.


She has influenced me in some ways, though. I mean, I swear I will do that Vulcan kiss thing. And I understand, thanks to her and Spock, that relationships aren't inherently about emotions. Love isn't always about emotions, either. Sometimes love is thinking logically and acting accordingly.




Recommended Comments

:kaukau: I like them both. She's super-attractive either way. I just so happen to prefer Robin a little more. Actually, I wouldn't cast Robin Curtis in Wrath of Khan, though. It's sort of like there's two different versions - different interpretations - of the character, and it works out in such a way that, to me, it appears that there's slight character change between the second and the third movie.



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