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Can I Learn From Success?

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Sometimes it gets annoying when I fail big time and someone tries to counsel me by saying "It's good this happened because otherwise you wouldn't have learned from it." Personally, I'd rather have already known whatever needed learning. I don't see why I can't just as well learn from success as I can from failure.


That's not always the way things are, but I'm still a perfectionist punk.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh


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Sometimes, you can learn from success. If you find what you have done right, how you did it, and why that makes it succeed, you can replicate it and therefore have technically 'learned' from before. Through success, you can find the winning combination and repeat it.


Through failure, though, you can learn far more. You can change a situation, work around things that brought you down, and see how they have affected what has gone wrong in whatever you have set out to do. The overall scope of lessons taught by failure rather than success is far greater and therefore more educational.


But, technically, you can learn from both nonetheless.

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My father once said, "appreciate the glorious failure."


Let me see here... it's on my harddrive somewhere...


"I’m not saying you should fail – success is preferable. But there is an attitude among us that since failure is the opposite of success, it is bad. But it may not be as bad as we usually see it. Failure teaches – it is actually important in many areas of science. If I succeed, I simply verify what I already believed. If I fail, I learn that there is another, more successful way, and my knowledge increases. Failures most often come from risk, but so does success. Don’t be afraid to risk it for knowledge. Enjoy success – appreciate failure."


Part of a speech I had to give to a bunch of potential Honor society members. I learned that lesson not long before the speech, in a science project that utterly fell apart the day before it was due. We fixed things up in the end, but now I understand how to use charcoal properly in the filtering of water. :)

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