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I guess I'm back here

Hey.   It's been a while since we've seen each other. How are you holding up?   Are the kids alright? I still miss the littlest one. What did you decide on for the name--Jimmy?   No? Oh, right, Timmy.   Well...   Kind of funny bumping into you here. You look great, by the way.   Anyway, I should really be going. But we should get lunch some time--catch up. You should still have my number.   Yeah, well, uh, see you around--I mean, maybe--if we do. Good-bye.     -------------------     In




I decided a few hours ago to join NaNoWriMo 2013. I'm still not totally sure where I'll be going with this novel, but I'm quite satisfied with my first couple hundred words. I also don't know how much I want to write, and the tight structure with which I feel the need to write fiction will surely hinder me from reaching 50,000 words in the month. So, I don't have any definite goals--of really any sort--in mind. My only expectation is to return to fiction writing.   Perhaps every week, I'll s



Tim O'Brien

A few days ago, Tim O'Brien won the Pritzker Military Library Literature Award for Lifetime Achievement in Military Writing, which he earned for... well, it's kind of obvious given the name of the award. Over the past several years, the award has gone to historians, this seems like a pretty powerful affirmation of O'Brien's contributions.   Anybody have any recommendations pertaining to his work? I read his novel/short story collection The Things They Carried. Is Going After Cacciato worth re



Ho-Hos: Now worth $2-$5 each

Seriously. I overheard some people bartering over how much they'd pay for Ho-Hos, and the low offer was two bucks a pop. It's like a bank run or something.



Comic Sans

Okay, this is it. I just saw Comic Sans used in a political attack ad. It's official: Everyone uses Comic Sans, and no one knows why.



Trouble with the Curve

So, yesterday I ended up not seeing The Master and instead going to Trouble with the Curve with two friends. I naturally have plenty of opinions about it, but they've all been said better, more eloquently, more professionally, and more clearly elsewhere. See what Roger Ebert or somebody thinks if you'd like to hear whether it's any good.   See, the thing is, there's one major aspect of that movie that still stands out to me above all the others. The "I am your father" of Trouble, if you will.




That episode was pretty good. Definitely liked the Doctor/Amy/Rory relationship, which was pretty well developed. I will admit, when Rory first went off to the hospital, I assumed that it was just to get rid of him, but his sub-plot ended up pretty satisfying.



Who Wants Portal 2?

So, I apparently have a 75%-off Steam coupon for Portal 2 (and it expires August 30). If anyone would like it, you can have it. Just inform me of your account name and I'll get it to you some time tomorrow.




I just received my two copies of Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges: one book in English, el otro en español. The book consists of seventeen of his best short stories, and I believe that I even managed to find a decent translation (read: not Hurley's).   yay



Feelin' Dystopian

Grey-ish color theme (except for a dull red "search" button), gears as decoration--especially in the blogs--, icons of faces/eyes staring... yup, BIONICLE Zone Power is now a dystopia. (Brave New Zone Power?) Not that the old one wasn't also "dystopia-esque," with its nearly sterile use of white and pale blue. Wait, what if the entire Internet is a terrible evil future?   Anyway, the Takua icon is really cool.



The Master

EDIT 9/22/12: The release date was revised a while back; The Master actually came out yesterday. I plan to see it Sunday, so I'll try to post a few thoughts here. Is anybody else planning to see it?   A new trailer for The Master came out yesterday. There's still a while to wait (with the release date being 12 October), but I'm really looking forward to this one.   Oh, and in tribute to the myriad "ask me" entries floating around currently, here are some of the questions asked by Phillip Sey



Gravity Falls

Why aren't you watching this yet, BZPower?   I mean, I know that we're generally a bit behind the curve (see: any use of memes in the history of BZP, how late it took for MLP and Homestuck to get huge). Still, we should at least try to catch up.       (yes I'm aware that the gif is terrible)



Baz Luhrmann & The Great Gatsby

Well, this might be interesting. I really hope Luhrmann uses music from the 1920s in the soundtrack but fear he may prefer pop as he did in Romeo + Juliet.   Oh, and Leonardo DiCaprio looks great as Gatsby, but I have to question whether he has the ability to say "old sport" convincingly.



Nathaniel Hawthorne

So many commas.   So many commas.   And in places they don't really belong!   My poor, fragile sanity...



"read Full Entry"

Is anybody else having an issue in which every blog entry displays the "Read Full Entry" button even when the full entry is displayed?   I'm beginning to feel like I've messed up some personal settings or something. It's a bit disorienting to constantly think that there's more to every post but discover there's actually nothing more.



Korra Finale

It took me a few days, but I got around to seeing the last two episodes of Book One from The Legend of Korra.   Ultimately, the finale was pretty good. Everything made sense, the more reasonable theories were validated, and so on.   Now I'm really feeling nostalgic. The end of Korra has left me with a desire for more like The Last Airbender. TLA had a certain quality--a basic nature--to its scope and world that I really miss. Not that there's anything wrong with staying in one city or having



This Never Fails To Confuse Me

>notice new messages >click on little envelope icon >read first full message >forget about other message or look at other site/topic >remember second message >look at little envelope icon >it doesn't report the existence of another message >you are now entering THE TWILIGHT ZONE >(in reality, just look through list that drops down from envelope icon... but it's still always a bit confusing)



Effective Naming Tool

This resource may be valuable to you if you have substantial difficulty in creating names.   To give an example, I ran one test in an attempt to generate BIONICLE names akin to those used in 2001.   First, the input:   Categories: V=aueio C=nklmhtpgjrwv   Rewrite rules: ii|i aa|a ee|e oo|o uu|u   Syllable types: CV V CVn   Now, a bit of explanation: Categories: I only used two categories (vowels and consonants), since basically every major name from 2001 followed the simple pattern of consonant



I'm In Pain! And I'm Wet! And I'm Still Hysterical!

So, I finally got around to seeing the 1968 version of The Producers. (I had previously seen only the 2005 musical.)   Gene Wilder was hilarious as the neurotic Bloom, and Zero Mostel is always amusing. (Mostel actually reminds me a lot of a friend of mine who actually recommended the movie to me in the first place; sadly, he's moved back to Israel since then.) And, personally, I prefer the goofy hippy version of Hitler to the flamboyant portrayal of DeBris as Hitler that was used in 2005.



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