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BŻƤ Mosaic Project



EDIT (March 10): This mosaic is filled! Keep your eyes peeled for a possible second mosaic. Thank you, everyone!


The BZP Mosaic Project is back for another year! Last year's project was an extreme success, and we have a great image for this year that will be displayed this summer at BrickFair 2011:




This is where you can sign up to make pieces that are up for grabs this year. Each mosaic piece will be made of a 32x32 sized baseplate. At this point, please only claim one piece. If this one fills up fast enough and we have enough interest, we will likely create another mosaic for people to claim pieces on.


The suggested piece counts are not something you have to follow word for word, though they can be helpful with making estimates and such on what you need. Some people like creating their mosaic piece using only 1x1 bricks, while others prefer making it with a mix of bricks (such as filling in a spot that calls for two red 2x2 bricks with one single red 2x4 brick). We do not have a preferred way of people making their baseplates, provided you follow the exact image when you replicate it in brick.


ALSO: When you are going through your bricks or purchasing bricks for this, make sure they are ones with solid studs on the tops, and not ones with indented tops or holes in the sides. Please make sure you are using only LEGO-made bricks as well.


brickno.gif brickyes.gif


One last thing: By agreeing to volunteer to make a piece for this, you need to understand that you have to be fully committed. Last year, we almost were not able to display one mosaic because we had to rebuild a large amount of one volunteer's piece as it was filled with non-LEGO bricks, and another volunteer's piece showed up several days after the convention ended. While we managed to still complete said pieces in time, please pay attention to updates and deadlines for this. There will be more details forthcoming in regards to shipping later, but all pieces will need to be in ChocolateFrogs' possession by July 15 if you are not attending BrickFair and delivering it to us by hand. I know things and life happen, but if you need to back out or need assistance with your piece, please message me, ChocolateFrogs, or xccj as soon as you can so we can figure out a way to solve any issues.


Other than that, have at it! Post your name and what piece you would like to claim here. Again, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, ChocolateFrogs, or xccj.


Piece 1: Claimed by Arpy


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Piece 2: Claimed by Letagi


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Piece 3: Claimed by xccj


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Piece 4: Claimed by Jedi Master J.


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Piece 5:Claimed by Black Six


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Piece 6: Claimed by EmperorWhenua


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Piece 7: Claimed by Sisen


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Piece 8: Claimed by ChocolateFrogs


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Piece 9: Claimed by Kakaru


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Piece 10: Claimed by George Constanza


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Piece 11: Claimed by Nukaya


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Piece 12: Claimed by Disky


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