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A Beatles Story



Once upon a time, there was a little five year old girl. You could consider her relatively normal and such, except for the fact that unlike the majority of five year olds, she absolutely loooved the band The Beatles. She had a Beatles calendar (but that will be another story for another time) and would always go and listen to her parents Beatles CDs and would also eventually have several years where she annoyed many DJs at the local radio stations with her constant phone calls requesting Beatles songs.


So, anyway, this little girl had a friend, and one day, the little girl was hanging out at her friends house. At one point, her friend asked her what her favourite band was, and the little girl said The Beatles and asked her friend if she liked The Beatles as well.


Her friend replied with "Yeah, I do. I really want to put some beetles in my sister's cereal bowl one of these days."


Being so shocked by this, the little girl decided to never be friends with this girl ever again.


The end!


And, before anyone says anything....I was five at the time, okay? In my mind, not knowing who The Beatles were was an absolute atrocity. Nowadays, I'll let it slide, but really? I was five for goodness sake!


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Her friend replied with "Yeah, I do. I really want to put some beetles in my sister's cereal bowl one of these days."


I lol'd.


If you think that was bad, well, I was such a noob at that age, and not in a good way either. ><

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