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Breaking Down Racial Barriers, One Comic At A Time.



Holy cow, almost a month without an update? That can't be right.


It is right. What the heck were we even doing??


Well, sadly there was some unfortunate occurrences (and some fortunate ones. I scored an internship with a local design firm!) that involved the sort of sad things that happen to friends sometimes. As a general reminder, always remember that you are loved. Yes, you. Everyone has friends and family, someone who cares about them and it may not even be the ones you suspect - sometimes we are bad about letting others know about what is in our hearts, but that means your life may be even more precious than it already is. If you're even considering self harm, please remember that you are not alone, not in any way, and help is out there.


With that out of the way, we are pushing forward and making great strides. If you haven't seen it already, you can check out our newest update in GD. Really you can't miss it I had the thing pinned for goodness sakes. What good is bending the rules if you people still don't see it?? But I digress, go check it out for some wild looks at a band most of our member base probably isn't familiar with but should be! Also there's a good bit with some steamy contraband you might like.


The next update will be a flash, and unless disaster strikes you can expect to see that sometime Tuesday. I still haven't mastered the mighty speed that Hussie has with the program, but I'm getting better. Then after that we'll finally see the introduction of a promised new character that I was talking about a month (!) ago.


I know this hiatus has probably hurt our fanbase, but I hope to regain your love soon. Yes, soon you will all be my fawning fans, my adoring public, sitting pretty inside my fist as I string you along in my insane quest of writing a silly comic on the internet. Will the madness never end?


No. No it will not.


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:kaukau: I'm trying to figure out where this entry began and where it ended. You, my friend, are better at rambling than me. I suppose I'd have to know you better to get most of this.


Congratulations on the internship and your optimism toward human existence.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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My reaction to this blog entry;


I scored an internship with a local design firm!


Oh, thats cool can't wait to read more about this design firm--


As a general reminder, always remember that you are loved. Yes, you. Everyone has friends and family, someone who cares about them and it may not even be the ones you suspect - sometimes we are bad about letting others know about what is in our hearts, but that means your life may be even more precious than it already is.


Wat ._.


Yes, soon you will all be my fawning fans, my adoring public, sitting pretty inside my fist as I string you along in my insane quest of writing a silly comic on the internet.


Oh, I get it now. This is obviously your way of distracting us from discovering your plans for world domination. Now it all makes sense...


I agree with emperor, you are very good at rambling.



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I'm not sure what to say to this, so I'm caught between two responses. Delete as appropriate.

I don't know what that means, but the answer is probably maybe.

That. Was. AWESOME. :bigeek:


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Honestly, this was a pretty fair hiatus, considering how long we had to wait for Cascade.


If only my paltry offerings were anywhere near the level of epic Cascade displayed. Someday!

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