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Feeling In An Odd Mood Today



Just one of those weird days where I've got a lot of emotions. I cried from sadness today. I got angry. I got deflated. I wrote. I edited a silly video. I remembered my friends and colleagues (at least the people I call my friends, who knows how they see me). I filmed a serious video. I laughed at some stuff. I balled my fist at others. I felt powerful and important. I got taken down a notch. I got some good news. I read sad news. I planned out parts of my schedule for the next six months. I was reminded how fleeting life is and how quick it can be taken away.


I dunno, a lot of stuff in the last 24 hours.


So I'm gonna re-post a blog post from a while back, and amend it a tad.


Smile back at someone today

Give someone a compliment

Help someone out in some way

Hug your loved ones, tell them how glad you are for them to be here

Give yourself a few minutes of the day just to yourself

Wake up happy for what you have. Strive for more, even if it's a little or a large goal, but go at it

Thank your friends, your family

Take 30 seconds or more to ponder on your current existence. Look at what you're thankful for. Think about what you want. Decide to learn something new, or change something about yourself today.

Cry, laugh, do whatever you need to.

This too shall pass.

Our time here is limited, so spread the love, y'all.

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