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Rush. Thoughts?

I always prefered Rush Jet to Rush Marine, even though Marine was pretty much a God send during Gemniman.


Batman=Takua y/n?

It's an interesting comparison, but I think I'll disagree. Batman never went around chronicling the events of Gotham City and Takua was never cool enough to be Batman.

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Are you gonna get HGSS?


Favorite Ninja Turtle?


Do you like Assassin's Creed?


Was Hitler an evil genius or just a evil man with extraordinary luck?


Which of these do you favor?:


Ninjas or Samurai?


Katana or Long sword?


Templars or Teutonic Knights?


Which ones do I think I favor?

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What differentiates a man and a slave?

A man is more in touch with his will to power while a slave is out of touch with his will to power and in some cases outright rejects it.






No, I am not going to give you a Bioshock reference. Enjoy your philosophy.


Are you gonna get HGSS?


Favorite Ninja Turtle?


Do you like Assassin's Creed?


Was Hitler an evil genius or just a evil man with extraordinary luck?


Which of these do you favor?:


Ninjas or Samurai?


Katana or Long sword?


Templars or Teutonic Knights?


Which ones do I think I favor?

1. Yesssss~


2. Never really cared about Ninja Turtles


3. I haven't played it


4. A little from column A a little from column B


5. I always preferred assassins to ninjas. Sure the ninjas get dual wield but assassins with death blow and concentrate can wreck the post-game. Plus they're Viera~


6. Rapier


7. Paladins. Great defense and their holy attacks are pretty useful against most enemies.

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Why didn't you answer on what you think I prefer?


Now if somehow you were given the chance to be a monarch of any country of your choosing in Europe which would you choose? (if you dislike monarchy you can become queen and then reset the system to be whichever system you like with you just being a ceremonial head)

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What is love?

Love is the fuzzy feeling I get when I think of Miriku~



Why didn't you answer on what you think I prefer?


Now if somehow you were given the chance to be a monarch of any country of your choosing in Europe which would you choose? (if you dislike monarchy you can become queen and then reset the system to be whichever system you like with you just being a ceremonial head)


Because I missed it.


Mother Russia

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Boris Johnson, true or false?

False. Boris Jackson does not exist and is an attempt of your mind to justify your existence.

I said Johnson, not Jackson! Answer the question properly!

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If you were any of the historical monarchs of Mother Russia, which one would you be?

I wouldn't. Russia is a cool place and all, but they had some sucky monarchs


Lugia or Ho-Oh?

Pretty much going to have to say Lugia hands down. Ho-oh is essentially a more physically inclined Moltres.Plus when calm mind started affecting aereoblast in D/P Lugia got a HUGE boost in terms of usefulness. Meanwhile Ho-Oh didn't get anything of the sort. Meanwhile, Lugia has a better move pool than Ho-Oh. Ho-Oh's 4x weakness to rock doesn't help that much either.


Plus Lugia's design is just awesome.

What is this I don't even


Also, favourite colour? Fruit? Font? Type of hamburger? Curly or regular?



1. Brown

2. Apples

3. Comic Sans MS

4. Varies

5. Curly


Boris Johnson, true or false?

False. Boris Jackson does not exist and is an attempt of your mind to justify your existence.

I said Johnson, not Jackson! Answer the question properly!

How about you answer the question properly

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