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Rants About The Bionicle Artwork Forum

Kevin Owens


And this time, it's about something other than breasts. :P


Anyway, I've been noticing a surge of artpad topics on the artwork forum. Not that it hasn't happened before. For the most part, Artpad works like a zombie. It comes, and then it dies and then just when you think its dead, it comes back again. It's fluctuated like that since... well, every since I've been here that's for sure. However, this time Artpad has made such a strong recovery from obscurity that not even I could have predicted how strong it would be. The result, almost every single art topic in the Artwork forum comes from artpad.


For those that don't know, artpad is a program on the internet that lets you draw. One of the neat things about it is that the people who view your art can play back how you made it. Sounds good, but the thing is, it turns out horrible pictures. Many of them are worse than if they had been made in paint. Now, due to the fact that almost every topic the forum is artpad that means that we have a lot of crud on out hands.


Now I would like to point out something at this point. I do not think that nothing good can come out of Artpad. In fact, I've seen a few (read: maybe one) good pieces of art come from it. However, that piece of artwork would have been much better if it had been made in paint. And then there are almost all the rest are bad.


Thus, I declare a boycot! Let us BZPers unite in a holy crusade against Artpad. Let us finish the fight!


But what can I do to aid the boycot?

Don't use artpad. Even better, don't post in artpad topics. If we can resist it enough, it should go away.


Why should I do this

Because you would make the world a better place.

Post in non-ArtPad topics, show more support for artists that actually took the time to draw or edit something, people who aren't taking the lazy way out by using ArtPad.

I actually thought ArtPad died at one time, but then someone posted a topic, and it grew even worse then before. Artpad is like a chain. When one person uses it, the next person can make another one with the click of a button.




How can I infrom more people about this boycot?

Just link to this blog entry.


And there you have it. Just some simple ways to make the world a better place.


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I also agree. The artwork forum is one of my favorite forums, and I really hate seeing it infested with Artpad topics. Count me in, I've had enough of it. *goes to put link to this entry in sig*

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I agree to your every statement. There is a right way to use artpad, but the sub-par excuses for artwork that I have been seeing are not that. If someone were to make, say, a detailed Impressionist-styled Bionicle drawing, I would be forced to comment in it, but, I'm sorry to say, I have yet to see an artpad drawing that is any good. So unless one of our artists out there can make an artpad drawing that is actually art, I will join this boycott.


Truth be told, I haven't ever posted in any artpad topics anyway.

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For the most part, you are right and I agree with you compleatly... Unless by some freak accident something that actually looks like art shows up from that site. That actually happends around every few months. :o Amazing, I know. But yeah, you bring up a good point...
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The reaso artpad comes in waves is because if you click on artpad it lets you start your on on the same page.


Sure artpad isnt the best I dont really like to use it but I kinda like how easy it is to shade and its just more fun than MS paint and Im too lazy to upload my drawings to a scanner.


Honestly just causeartpad doesnt draw the prettiest it doesnt mean you have to get rid of it for everyone. Its absurd. Its like burning a modern art museum because you dont like modern art. It is fine not to post in artpad topics. But I think you might be going go far in forcing other people not to.


I really hope you stop this "end artpad" madness :)

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The reason artpad comes in waves is because if you click on artpad it lets you start your on on the same page.

Or, because people see it, and think "Hey. This looks pretty neat. I'll think I'll use it."

Sure artpad isnt the best I dont really like to use it but I kinda like how easy it is to shade and its just more fun than MS paint and Im too lazy to upload my drawings to a scanner.

If it isn't the best why use it? And I've actually tried artpad, and I find it much easier to shade in MSPaint let alone a higher end program like Photoshop. And if you're too lazy to upload your drawings with your scanner, then I just don't know what to tell you because that is bad.


Honestly just causeartpad doesnt draw the prettiest it doesnt mean you have to get rid of it for everyone. Its absurd.

Let me just note that I am not trying to completely get rid of Artpad. Far from it. I have enough common sense to realize that that would be impossible at this point. What I'm trying to do is cut back on the number of topic which have low quality crud that comes from there. If you have a really good piece of art from AP, then I'll coment on it.


Its like burning a modern art museum because you dont like modern art. It is fine not to post in artpad topics. But I think you might be going go far in forcing other people not to

I never liked modern art anyway. :P But I'm not burning the museum, I'm just getting everyone who wants to join me to not post in the topics. And I'm not 'forcing' anyone to do this. I hardly know anyone who decided to join me.


I really hope you stop this "end artpad" madness :)

Honestly, unless I get a cease and desist PM from a Moderator, I'm not. Infact, this is going much more better than I expected.

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Reading some of the other members replys, I've decided to withdraw myself from this boycot.

Art is art. It dosen't matter what medium it is in, its still art if the creator belives it too be. Someone could throw togethere a bunch of trash in a strange way, but it's still art. Even the creations you see in BBC are works of art, just in a different medium. I've explored other types of artpad paintings, and there is some pretty amazing works of art.


How about we all just stop caring what program someone uses, and just worry about the art its self?



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I agree with this Boycott,I like to visit the artwork forum for a little bit each day to see good Quality artwork.But how can I do that when the whole forum is clogged with artpad?I mean the whole front page is just Artpad,artpad,ARTPAD!!now that I got that out,Happy Holidays! :P


~MK the Evil~

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I think nstead of trying to boycott artpad. We should get people to actually post GOOD artpad drawings and no one would be complaining.

Unluckily there are no good Artpad drawings.


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Yeah, I agree (I got here from a sig link, lol) So I'm going to put a link in my signature. I hate Artpad, I tried it once, but the drawing was horrible! Although, I only posted one Artwork Topic (A long time ago, though), I still like to look at original drawings made with pencil and paper, and I don't post in Artpad Topics. I have trouble finding topics that had drawings that members took time to draw, not just sit at their computers, using a mouse to draw something that it usually bad. Also, if people have to, they could at least copy another Bionicle picture (Like that comic one Akaku Nuva drew (Here), Its awesome)) But thats in my opinion. .//Air Freak

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Eh, some people use artpad wonderfully, I've seen it. I recall Lah once did a pic of Krana'd Lewa in artpad and it looked amazing.


I do agree, however, that it's overused. Novel medium, but really...

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Artpad ain't all bad. I've seen several pics that were very well done, like LehvakLah's Krana Lewa. Remarkable program when the right people use it.


But I agree about it being overused nowadays. It seems I can't go in BA1 now without at least 5 Artpad topics blocking my view. ><



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Don't use artpad. Even better, don't post in artpad topics. If we can resist it enough, it should go away.

Unfair. If I used Artpad that would encourage me to stop. Because it would have hurt my feelings. :(


Besides. I could get a piece of paper, and a pencil, draw some squiggly lines and a messy blob that resembles a Hau, call it Tahu.

I could do that in MSPaint.

I could do that in Photoshop. (well I couldn't because I don't own it but still someone who does could)

I could do that in Artpad.


Artpad is just another program. Just because the majority of members aren't as skilled with it as some of the other programs doesn't mean you should try to get rid of it.


The Artwork forum is supposed to have artwork in it.

If people keep trying to get rid of certain forms of it, then that just ruins the variety...


Because I do not think that Artpad is clogging up the Artwork forum. All art there has had some effort put into it. Apart from some rare spam.


(BTW, I am not a user of Artpad. I actually don't post any art at all, but I have tried and I know how hard it is to use.)


Just giving my opinion. Oh and everyone is different so just because you find might MSPaint and other prograns are better for drawing and shading and such doesn't mean someone else (Remember that alot of people on this site are young children who are still developing their drawing skills.) can't find it easier for them to use Artpad?


Not trying to start a war or anything... I respect your opinions but I want to make the defence a little larger. In fact I would do what Mikerahk did and make an Artpad picture myself, but I just find the program a little too difficult for my liking.




EDIT: Wait! Does this mean its legal for me to protest that hand-drawn art should be banned since I'm sick to death of pencil smudges? :OMG:

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Jeez! Why do you want to do this? It's just another program.


Should I start boycotting Photoshop or MSPaint just cause some o' them are bad?







I like drawing Bohrok there, and I will not stop. SO



Sorry, but I think you're being a little rough with this. Not trying to start wars. But you sure are firing me up.




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Yep, I'm not in the bcott anymore(see my first reply).

In case anyone hasn't explored ArtPad (keep clicking the "View another" button), there is actually some pretty good stuff on there.


Just thought I'd make a point foe me and all the anti-boycotters. :D



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Don't use artpad. Even better, don't post in artpad topics. If we can resist it enough, it should go away.

Unfair. If I used Artpad that would encourage me to stop. Because it would have hurt my feelings. :(


Besides. I could get a piece of paper, and a pencil, draw some squiggly lines and a messy blob that resembles a Hau, call it Tahu.

I could do that in MSPaint.

I could do that in Photoshop. (well I couldn't because I don't own it but still someone who does could)

I could do that in Artpad.


Artpad is just another program. Just because the majority of members aren't as skilled with it as some of the other programs doesn't mean you should try to get rid of it.


The Artwork forum is supposed to have artwork in it.

If people keep trying to get rid of certain forms of it, then that just ruins the variety...


Because I do not think that Artpad is clogging up the Artwork forum. All art there has had some effort put into it. Apart from some rare spam.


(BTW, I am not a user of Artpad. I actually don't post any art at all, but I have tried and I know how hard it is to use.)

Just giving my opinion. Oh and everyone is different so just because you find might MSPaint and other prograns are better for drawing and shading and such doesn't mean someone else (Remember that alot of people on this site are young children who are still developing their drawing skills.) can't find it easier for them to use Artpad?

Not trying to start a war or anything... I respect your opinions but I want to make the defence a little larger. In fact I would do what Mikerahk did and make an Artpad picture myself, but I just find the program a little too difficult for my liking.


EDIT: Wait! Does this mean its legal for me to protest that hand-drawn art should be banned since I'm sick to death of pencil smudges? :OMG:

No. I'm just boycotting artpad due to the crud that comes out of it. A whole lot less crud come out of other stuff.



Anyway, I knew all the support wasn't going to last. Finally some people take a stand against me. Good. The more conflift there is the more people will view this boycott. I'm for it. So keep on ranting about me.


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Artpad has its fallings -- although it requires no legwork, it is generally not a... precision art-making tool. But, y'know, it's the ideal alternative to for some members, especially younger or newer ones, to post art without having to figure out a Brickshelf/Maj account, or take time to figure out how to upload files to the internet. Although the reality is that those image-hosting websites are quite simple to use, lack of familiarity with the technical stuff or the sign-up process can cause them to refrain from doing so.


As people know, the reason members use it so much is because it's highly convenient; but the problem is that it is a program that is not really capable of generating art at the calibur of what many members are accustomed to. That's why many people dislike it so much -- they wanna see good art, art that makes them feel like time and effort was put into it instead of having been done in just one sitting.


If people use this program to display what they truly feel to be expressions of their good art on the web, that's totally fine by me. It's not offending anyone. If people are using it to make art just for the sake of posting art in the forums because it's so easy and quick to do so, I have a problem with that. Get replies in your art topics by showing creativity, not stick-figure Barraki.

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