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Skyrim Adventure, Part 39: In Which I Storm A Castle To Save A Princess



I ultimately decided to keep on explorin'.

I fast traveled to a random location and began walking. I saw a dragon roost nearby and headed toward it. I found myself fighting not only a dragon, but a Dragon Priest as well. I focused on the Priest as the Frost Dragon flew above. Once he was disposed of, I took the mask and killed the dragon. The Wall contained ALL THREE words of Throw Voice.

I traveled somewhere else and found a nearby mine. A man outside warned me that they had accidentally broken into Nordic ruins. I went in anyway to clear out the Draugr. The final room had some magic statues or something; one shot fireballs, the other healed the boss Draugr. Once he was down, they stopped functioning. I left and let the man know it was all clear.

Again I traveled away, and found a nearby Nordic ruin. There was a man outside who told me he had angered a Necromancer, and the mage decided to seek revenge by messing with his ancestors. We went inside to stop him, which involved fighting this man's ancestors. Early on he got hit by a Draugr's Disarm Shout, and didn't pick up a weapon for awhile. Fighting Draugr with fists didn't prove very effective for him. Eventually we made it to the final chamber for a beloved WAVE BASED ZOMBIE HORDE CHALLENGE. The mage teleported all around the room; I chased after him while my pal got surrounded by zombies. I killed the mage, and together we finished off the remaining zombies.

My next adventure was in an abandoned prison. Apparently a storm had caused heavy flooding, and the guards ran leaving the prisoners to die. The prisoners are now ghosts. Which I killed.

I arrived at a fort and a bandit told me to leave unless I was there to pay a ransom. Sure, I'll pay a ransom. WITH YOUR BLOOD. I killed all the bandits and went inside. A man was there. He said he was looking for his wife who went missing. He gave me a key a guard dropped and waited while I looked for her. I killed everyone in my way and made it to the final room, where the leader of the gang spoke to me. SURPRISE SURPSIE, she's the wife. Guess she didn't need any rescuing. She asked me to send her husband away and I agreed. Then I killed her because I'll have no kidnapping on my watch. I told the man I found his wife dead, and he left. I didn't tell him she was the leader though, I didn't want to break his heart.


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hey your wife is dead also I am the one that killed her also she was the bandit leader also she doesn't love you


I believe that just telling him she was dead was the best course of action.

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