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Well that explains a lot

Inferna Firesword


Mayans: the world's oldest trolls?


... jokes aside, I highly doubt that tomorrow will be anything other than the average Friday, not the apocolypse or the 'dawn of a new age' as the New-Age people are calling it. Since whatever's supposed to happen is supposed to happen around 5 AM, I'll probably sleep right through it.


So, if I don't wake up from earthquakes tomorrow, or I'm unable to move things with my mind (as the New-Ageists are saying I will be), I'm going to have a nice time laughing at the people that bought into it.


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5 AM? Hmm. *Resists urge to make Majora's Mask joke*


I doubt it'll be anything more than the dawn of a new day, to be honest. I mean literally, a new day, just as every day does. =P

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5 AM? Hmm. *Resists urge to make Majora's Mask joke*


I doubt it'll be anything more than the dawn of a new day, to be honest. I mean literally, a new day, just as every day does. =P


Don't resist the urge! Make as many jokes as you want! =P

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Well, I was more or less just noticing that 6 AM is when the dawn is in Majora's Mask, so, well... It looks like Termina is a timezone away from the time when this is supposedly to happen. =P(Makes Xaeraz's comment about timezones rather funny, too. =P)


But yeah, it's definitely possible to draw a parallel between this and Majora's Mask in theory. In practicality? Like not. =P

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