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Slice of Life



And now, the moment you've all been waiting for! The big 100 is upon us! The biggest brony episode of the show! Let's see how badly this turns out..


.. In ten minutes


Here goes!






He's used one before.. I think?


Commercial time, probably the best thing I'll get out of watching this episode


Oh lord, please


Feels like I'm watching some fan animation


I think that's Big Mac's VA


Everyone is going to say this is the best episode of the show


They'll make everyone talk except Vinyl, for some stupid reason. They might as well


That's not her EG voice


I'm going to be called evil for not liking this episode




Those blankets look flimsy


We back




Her voice changed again


Oh please


And bronies actually want the show to be like this


I can't believe I'm wasting time watching this


What's wrong with his voice




Commercials, thank God


That's dangerous


We're back


So Vinyl is just mute?


Hey, that beat is from Pinkie's song (or music) on episode 26


What am I doing with my life?




Well, at least we get Luna


You weren't even there for that, Luna


*shakes head*


Oh, I just realized that's a Changeling


Jack and- Oh


30 minutes of my life I'll never get back


What a debacle. Can we never have another episode like that? One of the worst episodes of all time, in my obviously very unpopular opinion. Now we'll have to keep talking about it for weeks on end. 1/10 Overall.


Recommended Comments

I enjoyed the episode. A nice wacky episode with a lot of amusing gags and easter eggs. They even managed to tie it together with a lesson. Obviously I wouldn't like every episode to be like this, but it was a fun way to celebrate this milestone.

If you knew you were going to hate it, why suffer through it? You're not doing yourself or anybody else any favors by continuing to watch the show if you can hardly watch an episode anymore without cringing.

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Words cannot describe how much I hated this episode. I had no idea what was coming (I avoid all spoilers), only that it was the 100th episode. I assumed going into that we would be in for something special... and I guess it was, but in all the wrong ways. I watched it all the way through to see if anything would redeem it, and Shining Armor, Luna, and Celestia did bring a little bit of light, but overall it wasn't worth it. I need some brain bleach, stat.


I liked this season at the beginning, but I'm frusturated by how fast it's been going downhill. Each episode has been weaker than the preceding one... though I guess the bright side is that it can't get worse than this.

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