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Bring Back Bionicle Club Post 1



If everyone who has joined could please write a little note for Lego and send it to me that would be awesome. Also, you don't have to PM to join. Just let me or Makuta_Of_Oz know. And please tell people about this! We need more members!


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Wow, this is such a new and revolutionary idea which is obviously going to work. After all, everyone knows Lego often tends to randomly drop their plans in favor of listening to the requests of a very small percentage of their fanbase who aren't even in their target audience. :)
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It's not that I don't like it so much as that I don't see I the point. If this is just for fun, that's totally fine; I just hope you know that nothing will actually result from this.
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If nobody takes action for anything, nothing is ever going to happen. You can sit back and do nothing, but the rest of us are going to change the world. Perhaps enough people will hear about this and LEGO really will bring BIONICLE back. If we never do it, we'll never know, will we?


EDIT: Needless to say, I join.

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I'll join.


"I've been a fan of BIONICLE since 2001, and a fan of LEGO for longer than I can remember. BIONICLE was, by far, my all-time favorite LEGO theme. It's deeply-involving story-line and unique sets as well as it's many other incarnations made it something truely worth while. I would love to see it continue, in all of it's forms."


After all, everyone knows Lego often tends to randomly drop their plans in favor of listening to the requests of a very small percentage of their fanbase who aren't even in their target audience. :)

:lol: You don't know how right you are. (No really.)



It's not that I don't like it so much as that I don't see I the point. If this is just for fun, that's totally fine; I just hope you know that nothing will actually result from this.

I'll bet a lot of Star Treck, LEGO Pirates, & Firefly fans said that. . .

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If you don't like the topic that you're supposed to be signing up for, don't post.

What a new and revolutionary idea which is obviously going to work. :sly:




Night Fury

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