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I Caught A Mouse



That's right, I caught a mouse just now. B)

Well actually my cat brought it out into our kitchen area. But then our terrier dog scared away Snickers so she could get to the mouse. And let the mouse run into a little corner under a cabinet type thing. So I got on some gloves and grabbed it. Wow those things are squirmy. Almost got away a few times.




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Mouse? :wub: :happydance:


I remember when I was about 7 or 8, my dad caught a little black mouse in the basement of our old house. It was sooooooooo cute! Alas, nowadays, I only see mice at pet stores, and my dad's research lab (which are usually dead by the time I see them; I can't go into where the live ones are without approval). But a long time back, I did get to handle a mouse (for the fun of it, not for any experiments) and it keeps trying to run up my shoulders. Ah, good times, good times. ^w^


I have seen my dad and a few researchers at another lab grabbing mice out of their cages, and man, they can run! I can only imagine how hard it is to catch them in open space. Did you grab it by the nape or the tail? =3

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Are you going to kill it now? :)


Watch it, pal! I dislike animal cruelty. >:(


cool :) i want a mouse now


I would too, except their lifespans are too short. :(


It's already gone. :P




As in, released gone or gone gone?

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cool :) i want a mouse now


I would too, except their lifespans are too short. :(


well then id buy 1 male 1 female and then have baby mice and have mouse family and then mouse farm and then sell mice and become rich B)B)

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When I was like five or six, we won two albino mice in a white elephant gift exchange (heh, white elephant, white mice...makes me chuckle). Anyways, I decided to keep them as pets, and the next month, the cage was teeming with baby mice. My mom said that she'd take them to the pet store so other people could have mice for pets. Later I wondered why she 'named' the baby mice Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then I learned that those were the days the snakes got fed. XD

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No actually I just flushed it. We have such a mouse problem around here.



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Around here we have rattraps. We have such a rat problem. What, with them eating our chicken feed and just being gross animals anyway. In fact, we have such a rat problem that we bought a $30 rat trap that uses electricity to zap rats if they enter the said trap.

...Well, had a rat problem. We haven't caught one in a while. So yay. =D



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Cept there isn't any world under our toilet. At least any anyone would one to be in.


We don't have rat problems but we have mouse problems. Especially a few years back. Once we caught 42 mice in our rabbit room in 1 week.



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No actually I just flushed it. We have such a mouse problem around here.




Dwah, you should have let your cat have it.

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How can people be so senselessly cruel to mice? Killing them for scientific advancement is one thing, but killing them for being at the wrong place at the wrong time is another.



If it were up to me, I'd just drive some miles away and release into woodland (oh, yeah, we have a lot of it in my state; heck, we even have deer in our neighborhood B)).

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They cause fairly major issues here. They aren't just little creatures. They'll eat through wiring and destroy a lot of valuable stuff. You know how hard it is to re-wire someone once the sheetrock is one and it's painted and all that? It's very hard. Besides, they reproduce in multitudes so it's not like we're gonna kill them all off.



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I was mostly staring at the "snake food" part. But still, I think it would have been more humane to let your cat (assuming he/she doesn't play with his/her food) get them. or just use mousetraps. Hmm, but then, I guess that cat might get caught too...


I think even vermin (including cockroaches, which I really hate) deserve humane deaths or death from predation. That's why I don't believe in poisoning mice and rats; the poisons are hemotoxins which cause them to die from extreme hemorraging.


Do you have any idea where the toilet leads too?! Sewage treatment plant. pretty much why I wouldn't flush my bettas down the toilet after they died. I put them into a peaceful little creek.

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Yeah, I agree on the humane part. We saw these "New, more humane!" mousetraps at Walmart the other day. They're sticky pads that the mice walk on and get stuck to. I thought that was actually fairly cruel.



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Yeah, I agree on the humane part. We saw these "New, more humane!" mousetraps at Walmart the other day. They're sticky pads that the mice walk on and get stuck to. I thought that was actually fairly cruel.






Ouch! No kidding. They're probably gonna hurt themselves trying to get off.


A long time back, we found that apparently a mouse (or rat? they're called the same thing in Mandarin) had been eating the almonds out of my Hershey bars. So we put a covered trap in and the next morning, I saw the rear half of a huge grey rat sticking out.


I personally think traditionally mousetraps are more humane than poisons (or *shudder* flytrap-like pads) because they pretty much just break their necks and basically give them a quick, mostly painless death.

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>They're probably gonna hurt themselves trying to get off.

They do. They're so stuck, that when the pull themselves up they leave their legs socketless.

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