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I Shot a Gun Today...



for the first time. Now my fingers hurt. But it was a good experience nevertheless.



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Was it a pistol? Because in all my experience shooting guns, it ain't your fingers that hurt afterwards. Wrist, shoulder, arms, one time the gut when I didn't brace myself right... never the fingers though.

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Was it a pistol? Because in all my experience shooting guns, it ain't your fingers that hurt afterwards. Wrist, shoulder, arms, one time the gut when I didn't brace myself right... never the fingers though.


It was a pistol, in fact. It was a .45. Forgot the model. But I think the main reason it hurt was because of the safety mechanism on the trigger. The recoil made hitting two triggers at once kind of hurt. I'm new to this, so I guess a bit of pain was due. :P




Yus. I was securing the shooting range. :lol:



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I haven't tried a handgun yet. Not sure I'll ever get around to it either. At most, I intend to get a small shotgun -- probably a Mossberg500 --  when I move out with some salt rock rounds for home defense.

Takuma Nuva

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I haven't tried a handgun yet. Not sure I'll ever get around to it either. At most, I intend to get a small shotgun -- probably a Mossberg500 --  when I move out with some salt rock rounds for home defense.

Takuma Nuva


Handguns are nice. Although they're the only guns I've used so far. I'll be trying some rifles soon. Shotguns are good. :)



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I'm not sure why my comment keeps getting deleted. "it sure feels good having the power of life and death within your hands, doesn't it?" which, I mean, it's true, isn't it? I've fired a gun before as well, and I recognize that the appeal is in the power trip. I mean, literally what other reason is there to like guns? they're made for shooting. for destruction. if you like the feeling of firing a gun, it's because you like the rush and the feeling of power and control it gives you. it's pretty simple once you think about it.


I guess not wanting to think too hard gives you a free pass to delete whatever comments you feel like.

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I'm not sure why my comment keeps getting deleted.

Because of the passive-aggressive nature of the comment which has become something of a staple for you.


"it sure feels good having the power of life and death within your hands, doesn't it?" which, I mean, it's true, isn't it?

Depends on the person.


I've fired a gun before as well, and I recognize that the appeal is in the power trip.

Maybe for you.


I mean, literally what other reason is there to like guns?

There are myriad reasons. As I stated, they can be used for home-defense. Some people like tinkering. Others collect them. Some just like doing target practice to improve their aim. Some like to use them for hunting because, hey, people eat meat.


if you like the feeling of firing a gun, it's because you like the rush and the feeling of power and control it gives you.

In your case apparently.


it's pretty simple once you think about it.

Once you think about it.


I guess not wanting to think too hard gives you a free pass to delete whatever comments you feel like.

Reznas doing any "thinking" has nothing to do with this. He was simply trying to be proactive in avoiding any kind of argument/blowout/flame war that such a comment can and has easily started. Also, blog owners do have a free pass to delete whatever comments they like, sans such things as staff action. In fact, they are expected to be pro-active about monitoring their blogs. In any case, this is hardly a new trend nor is it much different from having your blog comments set to "approve only" and then utilizing selective approval which has been employed by so many bloggers including staff.


Hopefully that clears it up for you.

Takuma Nuva

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Always preferred rifles to handguns myself specifically the AK-47. I could never hit the target with a handgun, or maybe I'm a terrible shot.

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Always preferred rifles to handguns myself specifically the AK-47. I could never hit the target with a handgun, or maybe I'm a terrible shot.


Handguns are tough, because they're close range, and when you get so close, the bullets rise (and depending on the gun, the shot may veer left or right a bit). You have to accordingly adjust, which takes practice. I was far from hitting bulls eyes with a .45 or a .38 special, but from a pretty close distance, a .22 was easy to be accurate with.



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I don't know, I always liked bows. Just something about being able to feel every bit of power right before it's released. It's one of my favorite things. But my local archery range is quite a ways away and I still don't think taking it on the bus is a good idea regardless of how legal it is. I actually haven't shot at gun range in a really long time. But I know I always preferred rifles, as I wasn't strong enough for pistols when I was younger.

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I don't know, I always liked bows. Just something about being able to feel every bit of power right before it's released. It's one of my favorite things. But my local archery range is quite a ways away and I still don't think taking it on the bus is a good idea regardless of how legal it is. I actually haven't shot at gun range in a really long time. But I know I always preferred rifles, as I wasn't strong enough for pistols when I was younger.


Same here. But I've shot before and recognize the appeal. They were .22 rifles, though, and the last time was years ago. I'd like to shoot a handgun, and for that, Reznas, you have my jealousy. Must have been fun!

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There are myriad reasons. As I stated, they can be used for home-defense. Some people like tinkering. Others collect them. Some just like doing target practice to improve their aim. Some like to use them for hunting because, hey, people eat meat.


I could've worded my last comment better. I didn't mean to say that's why people like guns in general (although that connection could certainly be made), what I meant to say is that the power trip is the reason why somebody would like the feeling of firing a gun. this entry wasn't about those things you mentioned there, it was about the act of firing a gun and how good it felt in this instance, which is what I was commenting on.


even if you don't consciously realize it or think about it, the rush and feeling of satisfaction you get out of firing a gun and hitting a target is because of how empowering it is, whether it's bringing down a wild animal or just putting a hole through a piece of paper. like, "hey, I shot that!" you feel responsible, you feel like YOU used that GUN to HIT that THING, and that makes you feel strong and good about yourself. it's power. that's all I'm saying.

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I think the huge outpouring of people just talking about what fun they had shooting various types of guns and bows proves exactly why Ryu's talking about, and I'm not sure that what she said merited the equally passive-aggressive response that you gave her tbh Takuma



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