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Garreg Mach

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Islands of Adventure - DYNAMITE POPCORN! [Day 4]



I bought a wand today! It is made of birch, I am going to guess 10-11 inches? long, and more of a rough cut stick than those fancy doodad wands you can buy. I'll post a picture here if I can get one. The wand shape is actually the shape I always used to pick whenever my friends and I used sticks for wands as we played Harry Potter (why I remember that detail is beyond me since it was like 8 years ago but whatever).


I really liked the Spider-Man and Harry Potter Forbidden Journey rides - I love that kind of 3D/4D special effect kinda ride when it's done well. Probably one of my favourite sort of rides.


I also enjoyed the Hulk rollercoaster - although due to a mistake by myself I ended up in the very front row, it was still awesome. Front row is always the best.


We watched the Mardi Gras parade, and I got seven of those plastic jewel necklaces you can buy at dollarama. Man, people went crazy over those!


I waited 45 minutes for a pepporoni pizza and then when other people got theirs whilst ordering after I did I rage quitted the place (after I made sure I had my pizza in hand of course, because late or not it's pizza, goodness).


I tried raspberry vanilla coke. I wish I had just raspberry though, because I've never had raspberry coke. I've had lime and cherry and vanilla and orange and all that sort of stuff, but never raspberry. Maybe I can get it tomorrow too? Doubtful.


I was soaked early on by the one river rapids ride in the world that makes sure every rider is soaked, and walked around all day in squelching, soaked shoes. Bleeeeeagh. I washed my feet for fifteen minutes when we got back to the hotel and they still feel gross. We missed a few other water rides, because I didn't feel in the mood to get soaked all over again. I'll probably try them out tomorrow or Monday if I bring a change of clothes or something.


I failed to mention it yesterday but I got a stick of dynamite that has popcorn inside yesterday in St. Augustine, so I can light it and throw it and then have popcorn. Although I must admit that the first thing that popped into my head when I saw it was "heist film prop".


Anyway that is it for today and I'll post again tomorrow.


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