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How I burned my fingers



10:56 PM - BZP Blade: What even is this laptop?

10:56 PM - Tex: a piece of poo that overheats at the slightest rise of temeprature

10:56 PM - Tex: Which is infuriating

10:56 PM - BZP Blade: XP, i'm guessing?

10:57 PM - Tex: When you consider that my laptop (before it was shelved to dust for six months, censored stuff woohoo) used to reach temperatures high enough to burn you badly if you touched it for longer than a second

10:57 PM - BZP Blade: ouch

10:57 PM - Tex: Somehow it never shut down from overheating

10:57 PM - BZP Blade: wow

10:57 PM - Tex: Also the fan area that grew that hot was conveniently not right underneath any section of the keyboard that I frequently used lol

10:57 PM - BZP Blade: xD

10:58 PM - Tex: But even then I killed most of the nerve endings in some of the fingers on my right hand a couple years back anyway, so when I touched it with those fingers all I got was a tingling sensation before it slowly started to feel warm

10:58 PM - BZP Blade: ouch

10:59 PM - Tex: People are easily impressed by not burning fingers on surfaces that should induce burning fingers

10:59 PM - BZP Blade: xD

10:59 PM - BZP Blade: How did you manage that, though? 0_o

10:59 PM - Tex: Hypothetically

10:59 PM - Tex: Let us say that there was a boy named Tex in his Grade 7 art class

10:59 PM - BZP Blade: lol

11:00 PM - Tex: Let us hypothetically say that Tex's art class was making masks, and many students (Tex included) used hot glue for portions of these masks.

11:00 PM - BZP Blade: ooh

11:01 PM - Tex: Let us hypothetically also imagine that Tex and his friends finished their masks a few days early without incident (minus covering each other in glue and paint)

11:01 PM - Tex: So, hypothetically of course

11:01 PM - Tex: One day Tex and his friends found a sheet of unused tin foil.

11:01 PM - Tex: Let us hypothetically also imagine that Tex and his friends finished their masks a few days early without incident (minus covering each other in glue and paint)

11:01 PM - Tex: So, hypothetically of course

11:01 PM - Tex: One day Tex and his friends found a sheet of unused tin foil.

11:01 PM - BZP Blade: Uh-oh

11:01 PM - Tex: So, being hypothetically ignorant and hypothetically stupid

11:02 PM - Tex: Tex and the others decided to show off what they could do.

11:02 PM - Tex: So let us say that Tex hypothetically created a rather large puddle of hot glue on a piece of cardboard, and hypothetically imagine that Tex also rolled the tin foil into a ball and slammed it down on the hot glue

11:02 PM - BZP Blade: uh-oh

11:02 PM - Tex: Let us imagine that hypothetically, of course, Tex somehow COMPLETELY MISSED

11:02 PM - BZP Blade: Oops

11:03 PM - Tex: And got three of his fingers covered in hot glue

11:03 PM - BZP Blade: Ouch

11:04 PM - Tex: So he runs to the sink, pours cold water on them immediately (now his brain is back) and he rips the now hardened but still burning hot glue off, because he's smart. This probably rips an extra layer or two of skin off, but at the same time, he has probably saved the layers below from becoming burned to death as well.

11:04 PM - Tex: The school, naturally being just as stupid as Tex

11:04 PM - Tex: Gives him a bag of ICE CUBES WRAPPED IN ROUGH, COARSE PAPER TOWEL to hold on top of the burns

11:04 PM - BZP Blade: wow

11:04 PM - Tex: So that only irritates it

11:04 PM - Tex: But at the same

11:04 PM - Tex: time

11:05 PM - Tex: With quite a bit of screaming in misery and delirious pain when he is alone in the car waiting for his parent to return with the medication

11:05 PM - Tex: He becomes better

11:05 PM - Tex: Except for one thing

11:05 PM - Tex: There was a brand of soap he used once his fingers could be properly washed again

11:05 PM - Tex: Except his fingers were kind of dead

11:05 PM - BZP Blade: Yikes

11:06 PM - Tex: So they smelled a little weird, but the soap amplified that smell

11:06 PM - Tex: And now whenever Tex uses that brand of soap (that he somehow can never remember the name of), it smells to him like his dead fingers

11:06 PM - BZP Blade: wow

11:06 PM - Tex: The End.

11:06 PM - Tex: I think I shall blog that little story

11:06 PM - BZP Blade: That sounds painful

11:06 PM - Tex: In full chat form

11:06 PM - Tex: Oh, it was

11:06 PM - BZP Blade: xD

11:07 PM - Tex: My mom took 30 minutes to get the medication

11:07 PM - Tex: People were staring at me as they walked past because I was smacking my head against everything trying to knock myself out

11:07 PM - Tex: But naturally cars are designed to not let you get knocked out

11:07 PM - BZP Blade: xD

11:07 PM - BZP Blade: Yeah, that doesn't sound fun at all. =/

11:08 PM - Tex: I like to look back on it now and laugh


Recommended Comments

That word needs to be not-censored. Although they were stupid in that they didn't think leaving a laptop in a really dusty, stuffed location without moving it for six months was a bad idea.

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