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Garreg Mach

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Well, this sucks (Recap 04 even though it's off schedule because life)



So I work at a camp in the summer as a Counselor, and we have a week of training at the end of June.


My graduation hits during the Wednesday of that week.


My prom hits the Thursday of that week.


I have known this for quite some time. I have spoken with my mother about this before. I had assumed the issue had been ironed out and that she would arrange for my grandparents to pick me up from camp and bring me home for graduation, and then they would drive me back to camp on the Friday. I was planning to speak with the Directors this weekend to work out the time off.


Tonight my mother called the camp without telling me, and told them that she wanted to keep me home for the ENTIRE TRAINING WEEK.


Now they're saying they will only give me 24 hours off (meaning prom is out the window because obviously graduation is more important), and I have lost credibility with my bosses.


And to top it all off, I need to have a criminal background check done (because I'm working with kids so y'know be extra careful n such) and it's due this weekend and I totally forgot to have it done.


Gonna have to subtract those two points I had. Back to zero.


Major uggggggggggggh


Points: 0 (sob)


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Sorry to hear that. =\


Also, seems like a late prom. Sorry you'll have to miss it, but if it's any consolation, prom tends to suck. I only bothered going to my Junior Prom, but hit After Prom twice because that was the best part of the night.


Also, can I just give you a point? Really, you left me some good advice earlier today, so a 1up doesn't seem out of the question. =P

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My mom would've done the exact same thing :P, I feel your pain bro.


I'm going to work at a summer camp too. Hopefully they're not mad that I won't be there the first few days (as I'll be coming back from a trip)...


...actually, I'm hoping more than anything else that my mom handles the situation correctly ;)

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