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DAY 2: Sign Right Here!



Here we are! Day 2 of OBLIVION!






What's a BZP Story without BZP characters?



"The Living Mask"


Every mad being needs a companion, and for the Mad Great Being Araina, that companion is the Ta-Matoran that she has named Bronze. Formerly an ordinary bronze Kanohi Kakama, Bronze was given life after being picked up by Araina ten years ago. With a living Kanohi Mask in her hands that she did not wish to carry, Araina constructed a special bronze, red and o range Ta-Matoran body for him. Bronze has been traveling with (and working for) her ever since.


While the Mad Great Being's often disjointed, rambling thoughts can seem incoherent to most other beings she comes across, Bronze has learned to understand what she means to convey and often serves as a translator... which will undoubtedly prove to be a godsend to the rest of the crew.




While the primary cast of this story is rather small - six characters, to be precise - I am in need of other characters to help populate this world... which is where you all come in! Simply fill out the form below and post it in the comments.


While I cannot promise you an appearance, I will try; just keep in mind that any appearances will be smaller compared to what I've done in the past (but in return, I will try to make each one unique).


NAME: [Quite obviously, really!]

ALTERNATE NAME: [Not to point any fingers, but calling a character by some of your display names might be weird! I can still make it work if you want me to, however.]

SPECIES: [You can choose either Matoran or Agori!]

ELEMENT: [Likewise, you can pick from the canon Matoran elements, or the canon Agori elements!]

OTHER INFO: [Other stuff you want me to know! What is your character's gender? Any recommendations for their personality? Any personal history I might try to include, or a favored tool/weapon? As well as any other good stuff like a specific mask, or colors, maybe.]





Tomorrow you'll meet the next member of the team... and perhaps I'll even give you a teaser of their first encounter with the Mad Great Being!



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NAME: Kuan
SPECIES: Matoran

Preferred weapon: Firestaff



Tends to be an independent spirit. Enjoys helping others for the sake of helping others. He built his own mask, and the eyepiece attached. It zooms up to 4X and enables him to see clearly through smoke, flame, and night. He is an expert mathematician.


His mask is a Great Kakama.

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Name: ToaD

Alternate name: Driken

Species: Matoran

Element: Earth

Other info: Color; Purple and green, Mask; Whatever Toa Norik's mask was called, Weapon; Either a simple broadsword or spear, Tool; Drills, Gender; Male, Personality; Hardheaded stubborn fool, bit quick to anger but caring for friends, easily gullible, not fond of strangers or changes in a daily routine.

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NAME: Voxumo
ALTERNATE NAME: Lord of Ice Picks, Vox.
SPECIES: Matoran
ELEMENT: Plantlife/Jungle
OTHER INFO: You know me well enough, though given this would be a matoran, I'd have to say a Powerless Garai would be the mask this form would wear, just as something different.

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NAME: Guurahk

SPECIES: Matoran
ELEMENT: Plasma or plantlife, depending on if you choose Guurahk or RG (which implies I'm revived)
OTHER INFO: (this applies to Guurahk, not RG, he would be the same) Male, personality like me (interpret that how you wish,) good with technicalities and repairing things. I'm having a Mask of Creation because random paging got me that on BS01 and Voltex is fine with it. Colors are blue and green.

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NAME: Nevermore

ALTERNATE NAME: Nev or The Pilgrim Shadow



OTHER INFO: Nevermore is one of the surviving remnants of the nearly destroyed Iron Tribe. During his flight he was able to disguise himself as a Rock Agori and slip in among the Skrall. For an Agori Nevermore is tall and rather thin, he wears typical Rock Tribe armor and the only signs of his true Tribe are woven iron bandages wrapped around his arms and neck and an orange plated sword made out of alien materials he found with his friend Atakus. His personality has been deeply submerged since his Tribes demise and he never was much of a talker. Nevermore has a natural talent for being able to attract no attention and is very skilled at controlling other perception of him. Of late he has been dreaming less.

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NAME: Xaeraz


SPECIES: Matoran


OTHER INFO: i mean youve written xae enough you know hes ramshackle in both mind and body and hid a bunch of sharp stuff in his scrap heap build

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Name: JiMing

ALTERNATE NAME: Err... idk. Maybe Jalicax?
SPECIES: i like matoran a bunch but if you really want to do agori knock yourself out

ELEMENT: You know what, I'm feeling I want to shake something up. Su-Matoran, or Plasma, if you will. 
OTHER: I think you might know the drill right now, but if I had to choose... Probably a bit of a snarker. Playfully so to provide a touch of wit, wouldn't want a snarker who does so to insult others around him. Swords are cool, but if those are too overdone... Kusarigama/Chain sickles are pretty darn cool. Can't help but love swords though.

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ALTERNATE NAME: Nope, just Dallior.
SPECIES: Matoran
OTHER INFO: Just read my comics if you haven't already. A very random, free spirit, with lots of punch-kickery. Also, I MUST have a fez. And said fez is bigger on the inside. And it also may be a weapon locker...

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