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Nova's Personality Twist



Yes, I'm reintroducing Nova into the BZPRPG. However, there will be some notable changes to his characterization:


1. Nova's history will not be as cliche as before, where he was experimented on, miraculously escaped to Mata Nui, and lost all his memories afterward.


2. No more helplessness. Nova will have the most basic fighting knowhow; all that he'll lack is experience, a point I hope to take advantage of.


3. Nova won't be quite as timid as before. He still doesn't know what exactly is required of him as a Toa, but he won't be afraid to do what he can to get there. His cowardice is being shoved from the forefront of his personality to the background, where even he won't recognize it for what it is but mistake it as "logical reasoning".


Those are the main adjustments, beside the little tweaks I'll be making to his profile. He'll still be the light-blue-and-silver-armored, blue-tinged-fire-wielding, newbie Toa of Fire you all know and love (I hope); I just don't want him to be creamed by every character he fights anymore. My plan is for Nova to eventually garner enough experience to become a veteran Toa, lose most of his outside emotion, and take on Makuta as coolly as a Toa of Ice might.


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Sounds like an interesting change, plus I am stoked for Nova's reintroduction. Just make sure he remains steadfast in his belief in the code. I've noticed most Toa seem to have abandoned the Code in the RPG. This Code is not merely Guidelines. Anyway I look forward to interacting with him.

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A code's all nice and good when you can afford to be all nice and good.


Here? Not so much.


My guys won't necessarily kill, but they will do what's necessary to win withing their own moral parameters.


So yeah.



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Considering Nova's character, I think he'll follow the Toa Code quite closely. I might try writing up my own version of the Toa Code for reference, actually.

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I realize that Razgriz, but my problem is that so few people are creating Code following Toa. I'm just hoping for a change in this pattern. BTW did anyone get my reference.

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