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Hasta Luego



OOC: So what you are saying is

1) that you wrote your characters (your choice of words) to be ludicrously skilled and

2) that you do have an NPC army following you, redshirts or not.

I must say that any of the characters present at this point can be said to be skilled with their powers, the only difference is that you bothered to include it in your char profiles. I mean, we all have elemental powers. It's not like a simple coat of ice on your feet won't be enough to eliminate any fancy-pancy vibrating blade techniques before they even connect, right?


He's lived the spartan life ever since he was born; realistically redshirts could do more than fight; I judge a lot of a char's power based on what is put in their profile as I believe that should show what they're good at; and that's what he has balance, training, stealth, Sonics, and good reflexes for-




Who am I kidding?


I can't keep this up.


I love Unfettereds, but not this venture.


Goodbye, army. Good night, Lezuu.


Fare thee well, Keinju.


I might use you again someday.


-The Fearless Leader


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