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Bziii: Battle Royale With Cheese



To all you doubters in the ability to wage an islandwide war:


During the downtime, I began a movement for a mass melee at the end of the year. That is to say, a ton of characters converging on one spot (with plenty of parties apart from 'Good' and 'Evil') would have a gigantic battle.


And guess what? It actually gained a good bit of steam before it got shot down by the RE-reboot.


So yeah. I feel we could have a Battle Royale With Cheese across all of MN pretty comfortably. :devil:


This is an entry to discuss the above movement and what people think of it now. On the first day of discussion, I posted the above. Member Hubert has expressed much interest in this movement and asked how big it would be, to which I hath replied 'the more, the merrier, but certainly a good bit upwards of 20 PCs'. It has been noted that a possible cause of said battle would be an expedition to the Kini Nui by a group of Good-aligned chars which is met by much resistance and third parties. Hubert has also suggested we hold such a fight at the start of next year, to which I replied 'seems pretty good, but would make most of my chars who would still be around unable to attend.'


On the second day, I stated that there probably would be very high amounts of casualties in such a war/battle. Member JL suggested that we have a racial war between 'Good' and 'Bad' races; however, his idea has no real support thus far-especially considering a good few members of those races aren't anywhere near 'Evil' in alignment. Member Ghosthands has suggested that we instead of having a war, have a series of sieges on koros. His idea was met with support by Hubert and by myself, but on the condition from me that Pala-Koro and the School are counted as 'koros'. Member Pirok has suggested that such a war could be the series of Mystix invasions. Ghosthands also has advised to not 'make this Harry Potter book 7', which was met with overwhelming support by myself; I believe we should try to keep the school original.




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I say there's a war against the Mystix. That'd be fun, and would fit considering they just attacked Xa-Koro and are planning to attempt to take control of the entire island. And even if it wasn't against the Mystix, you'd need a good evil faction. I think Mystix fit the job description for 'evil' pretty well, maybe if a few more people made Mystix characters. And I say we wait a while, rather than doing it at the very start of next year; More time to prepare characters, and make it as big as possible. :evilgrin:

That is, with other 'evil's, of course. There aren't enough Mystix for them to be the only ones. :P

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Why bold my name? Is it so incredibly interesting that one must dramatically say it? If so, then it is awesome.


Anyway, if people were to invade the school which is still somewhat not finished then they'd have to fight Rannin's tentacles.

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I just imagined the hills around Kini-Nui lined with soldiers, marching to their doom :P


Anyway, I like the idea of island-wide 'wars', so that multiple battles take place, eventually cultivating in a gigantic battle with all surviving participants.


And somehow I get the idea that Nuju doesn't like this idea.

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@Pirok: I dunno. We could have a series of these planned out for different locations, resulting in a different mix of combatants every time.


@Hubert: It's cuz you're a member, dum-dum ;P I'm using bold type to denote members.


And of course they would! They'd have to fight Hau's hook, chain, katar, and martial arts; Naara's...Well, Naara; Sucogu's EVERYTHING; etc. But that isn't to say the school would be aided by Knife and Edge in that fight. It would probably be quite the contrary.


@Wotsizinum: I get that feeling too...Maybe it's because he doesn't like the way we're talking about it? Well the thing is: I didn't come up with this for Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I came up with it so that we had a great fight that show the best of each char against their opposites-including personalities. This wasn't created because I want people to have a competition: It was made for that purpose...Not to mention the great plot device a mass melee is.


-The Fearless Leader

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I'unno. Somehow I have a feeling he'll end up fighting a fatalist...Hopefully an Evil/Neutral one does exist.


-The Fearless Leader

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