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Clan Daikura



Welcome to the talk page for Clan Daikura. Major conversation topics will be listed in this post. Members of the clan are free to comment.



PS: Wiki Pages anyone?


Clan Info:

Clan Diakura is a minor clan that holds only a tiny amount of land on Odaiba and whose numbers are also few. In spite of this, they can lay claim to a reasonable amount of influence in the archipelago by virtue of their lineage. They are a clan as old as the Odaiba, and can trace their lineage back to Arohi, a hero of legend who helped the first Rora and along with her, established the Dasaka Empire.

Taking after their warrior-mother, the Daikura have devoted themselves to preserving her knowledge of the Menti disciplines and passing the sacred knowledge on to successive generations. It is the Diakura who runs the Arohi School of the Mind on Sado, where all Menti are trained in the psionic disciplines. Throughout history, only two other clans have attempted to begin their own schools in competition with the Daikura, and both attempts quickly went under, with the long experience and strong tradition of the Daikura proving to provide a much superior education.


Since they own no land on Sado (the school itself is a part of the Imperial Palace, and so owned by the Rora, the Daikura, legally, are only custodians), the Daikura must hold lands elsewhere in order to be recognised as a clan. Their holdings are confined to a valley on the lower slopes of Mount Koshiki. It is a fertile area, and its farms produce abundant crops, fertilised by the old volcanic soil. At the head of the valley is Castle Tarakona, built on the spot where, legend has it, Arohi defeated the kanohi dragon that had plagued the early Dasaka. While this is officially the hub of the clan, it has only ceremonial importance in practise, since the most important Daikura live at the school on Sado.


Politically, Clan Diakura is conservative, though not quite as much as their Umbraline associates. They honour the virtue of Power most among the three, as could be expected of those who study the magical disciplines of their race. They have no clan discipline, since they must have members who are masters of each discipline in order to give instruction in them all.


Tarakona Games:

Every 10 years, Clan Daikura hosts a large group of students from the Arohi School of the Mind on Sado at their ancestral lands on Odaiba. They bring the class of students that is about to graduate and become Menti warriors for their respective clans to Castle Tarakona on the slopes of Mount Koshiki and give them a chance to test their skills in battle on a scale that would be impossible within the normal parameters of school life. The students are divided up into armies, roughly by clan (depending on the numbers of each), and take part in a mock war over the period of a week. Students act as commanders of their peers, learn true battle skills, and have the opportunity to win great honour for their clans. Students who emerge victorious from the exercise often end up in high positions within their clans, and will be remembered for many centuries to come. At the end of the week, the victorious student army may also chose to face a final challenge: a duel against their teachers.


Recommended Comments

2. Menti Soulsword teacher.

(Almost done with it)

I also think posting profiles here would be a good idea, a quick reference point for profiles in the clan.

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2. Menti Soulsword teacher.

(Almost done with it)

I also think posting profiles here would be a good idea, a quick reference point for profiles in the clan.

Or you could make a wiki page and then just simply tag the character with "daikura."

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Odd question, but does anyone want to chop off the Toroshu's arm?


Her backstory calls for a student to have done it during an accident in Soulsword class a few years back. It might make for an interesting link between the two characters.

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Mine, perhaps? She was too inexperienced, too unpredictable, and rough around the edges? Explains why:

1. Became a Mindarm shortly after. Guilty and traumatised.

2. Sent to guard Tarakona. Too unpredictable in her powers, and

3. Too dangerous to be a teacher.

4. Lacks teaching abilities. Too guilty and traumatised.


On a related note, my hiatus officially ends tomorrow, but... I leave for holiday a few hours later. So my Diakura will be up only midway through next week. Sorry. :(

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Norik, here's how I've written it in Ihi's bio. it's flexible, though, and could be altered to fit another character.


Recently, Ihi was involved in an accident while supervising a class of Soulswords. One student lost control of her weapon and, in a moment of panic, grabbed at Ihi for assistance. With them both pulled off balance, the blade of mental energy sliced straight through the Toroshu's left arm, right below the shoulder. The student was initially horrified, but went on to pass the course. Ihi sought a crystalline replacement for her limb, and, in fact, has kept the old one. It is encased in crystal and hangs in her office as a reminder of the need to be vigilant and careful with a Menti's powers, but also that even when disaster strikes, it is possible to work though the problems overcome them.



Also keep in mind that the person in charge of Castle Tarakona will have a lot of responsibility within the clan. Would the clan leadership really give that position to someone who was unstable in her abilities and couldn't be trusted to do anything else?


I don't think so. The person who runs Tarakona would have to be highly capable, and probably hold enough rank to justify having two Menti powers. If this character were the same one to have chopped off Ihi's arm, it makes sense that the incident would be an old source of embarrassment for them, rather than a lasting trauma. There's just so much contradiction otherwise (Ihi and I don't regard the loss of an arm as something too terrible, since she got an excellent crystal replacement. They might even be able to share a joke or two about it). Also, since the chopping was a relatively recent event, it would mean that the student rose awfully quickly to reach such a high position as ruling Tarakona. This reinforces the idea that they were an excellent student and retained their brilliance after the incident.


Think about it over your holiday anyway (I hope you have a good one :) ). it's always your call, but to me, it sounds like the character you described above is a very different one from one who could run Castle Tarakona. Maybe they really are two different people?

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I think Tabby is the only other one who has said he wants the boy, after X and Norik dropped out.


More could still come out of the woodwork though.

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I suppose you could if you wanted. it's mainly about menti Disciplines, but there could be other aspects of education included. I think history might be more suited to some other clans/places though, like the Towers of Knowledge, and possibly the Eiyu.

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that would indeed be their domain, but what's to stop a military history of tactics to the menti deigned for higher command?

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Good point, Kughii. Our Menti would certainly be trained in how best to apply their powers in different situations, not just how to use them.

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You're more than welcome to. Just let me know before you post the character so I can use them to get an extra dice-roll for the clan. We might get two males.

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Hey, Lorax, could you use the dice roll that you put in for me in the original PM as Falcon's roll? (The one where I didn't respond in time to take out due to homework, school and sleep.) Yes, doing so wouldn't get us two males, but it would stop one of us from having to make a character they didn't want to.

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Fair enough. I put in one for you when I shouldn't have, and I didn't put one in for Kughii when I should have. You two can trade the character slots.

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Well, actually, if you already rolled, then we won't roll for you, unless you want another char in the group. (And you should have rolled with us, as with us a 2, 3, 4, or 5 would have been male.)

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