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Clan Daikura



Welcome to the talk page for Clan Daikura. Major conversation topics will be listed in this post. Members of the clan are free to comment.



PS: Wiki Pages anyone?


Clan Info:

Clan Diakura is a minor clan that holds only a tiny amount of land on Odaiba and whose numbers are also few. In spite of this, they can lay claim to a reasonable amount of influence in the archipelago by virtue of their lineage. They are a clan as old as the Odaiba, and can trace their lineage back to Arohi, a hero of legend who helped the first Rora and along with her, established the Dasaka Empire.

Taking after their warrior-mother, the Daikura have devoted themselves to preserving her knowledge of the Menti disciplines and passing the sacred knowledge on to successive generations. It is the Diakura who runs the Arohi School of the Mind on Sado, where all Menti are trained in the psionic disciplines. Throughout history, only two other clans have attempted to begin their own schools in competition with the Daikura, and both attempts quickly went under, with the long experience and strong tradition of the Daikura proving to provide a much superior education.


Since they own no land on Sado (the school itself is a part of the Imperial Palace, and so owned by the Rora, the Daikura, legally, are only custodians), the Daikura must hold lands elsewhere in order to be recognised as a clan. Their holdings are confined to a valley on the lower slopes of Mount Koshiki. It is a fertile area, and its farms produce abundant crops, fertilised by the old volcanic soil. At the head of the valley is Castle Tarakona, built on the spot where, legend has it, Arohi defeated the kanohi dragon that had plagued the early Dasaka. While this is officially the hub of the clan, it has only ceremonial importance in practise, since the most important Daikura live at the school on Sado.


Politically, Clan Diakura is conservative, though not quite as much as their Umbraline associates. They honour the virtue of Power most among the three, as could be expected of those who study the magical disciplines of their race. They have no clan discipline, since they must have members who are masters of each discipline in order to give instruction in them all.


Tarakona Games:

Every 10 years, Clan Daikura hosts a large group of students from the Arohi School of the Mind on Sado at their ancestral lands on Odaiba. They bring the class of students that is about to graduate and become Menti warriors for their respective clans to Castle Tarakona on the slopes of Mount Koshiki and give them a chance to test their skills in battle on a scale that would be impossible within the normal parameters of school life. The students are divided up into armies, roughly by clan (depending on the numbers of each), and take part in a mock war over the period of a week. Students act as commanders of their peers, learn true battle skills, and have the opportunity to win great honour for their clans. Students who emerge victorious from the exercise often end up in high positions within their clans, and will be remembered for many centuries to come. At the end of the week, the victorious student army may also chose to face a final challenge: a duel against their teachers.


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Got my profile up, I assume we will make our first post once the first son is decided upon?

Because I cannot wait to do this. It will be very interesting.

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First, thanks. I enjoyed the holiday. :)


Next, I decided that you were right. Reiko(that's my new Dasaka's name) would need to "rank up" pretty fast to reach such a position so quickly. Also, I hadn't read thoroughly through Ishi's profile at that time, so my suggestion pretty much was invalid. :/ Someone else can now suggest being responsible for chopping Ishi's arm off. I can't thi k of a way to fit Reiko onto that back story. :/


So, I guess I'll stay with being Tarakona's guard. Anyone else want to create a character responsible for chopping Ishi's arm off?


@X Agreed. But I need to finish Reiko up too... FASTER, FINGERS, FASTER!

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Ishi would also miss his arm, no doubt.


Without further ado, I present to you my finished male. I do think the written piece only shows the side his youngest students will see, however, so keep that in mind. As students progress, they do earn more respect. It also doesn't quite reflect his personal interactions, which tend to be more reflective of his wisdom as a master martial artist.



Male Dasaka(Soulsword, Mindarm)

Kanohi Kakama


Energy Saber:Created courtesy of his Menti training, this blade glows blue-green in color. Antroku is extremely skilled in the use of the blade, and able to fight with a degree of expertise matched by few other Menti. His blade is rumored to melt through solid rock, due to Antroku’s intense focus.

Crystal Longsword-With a handle painted blue, but a blade translucent as glass, it is hard for the eye to follow even in the best of light. Intended mostly for use as a backup blade, Antroku uses it when he feels it is a better option than his Soulsword.

Crystal Darts-small, translucent projectiles which Antroku uses his Mindarm powers to hurl with deadly accuracy. Don’t underestimate how much damage they can do. Kept in a leather bag on his waist.

Sapphire Armor-Antroku requested this armor himself, and a skilled Ringti made it for him. It is chosen to stand out against the other armor common to Dasaka, which is often a translucent blue in color. His mask is painted to match this hue.


Swordsmanship- Due to his extensive training as a Soulsword, Antroku can compete with the best of them in swordplay. Antroku is skilled in both melee swordwork and the use of his energy blade, so it doesn’t matter which he competes with-he knows the advantages of both, and will use them to their fullest advantage.

Melee Combat-As the head instructor on melee combat, Antroku of course knows this topic best. He is a martial artist by nature-his sword skills are an extension of this. He knows how to use both fist and foot to his complete advantage. He views the martial arts as the sixth discipline amongst the Menti-among most important the inner focus and calming of the mind that enable the clear thought of combat, and the will to make one’s body strong against all attack and offense.

Kakama Usage-Due to his physical style of fighting, Antroku chose the mask he felt would suit his powers best, enhancing the condition of his body. It allows him to best foes quickly-important due to the taxing styles of both his mental disciplines. If necessary, he could use it to flee, though that would be a dishonor and not fitting of his status as a master of physical combat.

Mindarm-Antroku is an above average telekinetic. His skill is not unmatched in this area, however. He can fight well with telekinesis, and is able to lift twice his weight without trouble. At three to five times his weight, tasks become somewhat to very taxing, and at six, they are quite exhausting. Antroku does seem to enjoy chucking heavy rocks at enemies, and also uses crystalline darts to great effect, shooting them at high velocity to damage his foes. He can lift himself, and generally throws himself upward where applicable, or hovers across a particularly dangerous obstacle.

Manuscript Translation-In order to take full advantage of past martial arts knowledge, Antroku has acquired some degree of skill in translating ancient manuscripts to acquire old techniques and philosophies. Due to this ability, he can read and write archaic forms of Vulgar Taa, and talk with somewhat broken speech.. This is his only intellectual discipline.

Appearance: Antroku is unique among the Dasaka because he chose to wear armor made of sapphires rather than the typical blue crystal. His Kanohi Kakama is painted a brown tone to match. His belt buckle bears a crest of Clan Diakura, the most outward sign of his loyalty. On his right, a small leather bag, with a crest of the same kind.


Overall, Antroku is well muscled and physically fit, matching his status as an expert martial artist. His physical condition is overall excellent, but his mental disciplines of choice mean he tires much more easily than he would like, and somewhat unexpectedly.


Antroku has sapphire colored eyes-his armor only further highlights this, making him seem quite handsome. His expression and demeanor seem to reflect a calm, meditative state of being.


Personality: Antroku is calm at all times, as befitting a master of the martial arts, and disciplined, as holds with the Virtue of Order. He thinks things through, and does not often act on impulse. He serves as an instructor on the arts of melee combat, and teaches his students unconventionally, often dolling out physical attacks for lack of skill, disrespect or improper practice-he views this as form of battle conditioning, because a battle deals physical punishment, not just mental, and he often found students unprepared to handle pain and damage in the heat of battle.


He also forces students in his most basic classes to remove Kanohi and not use powers in his classes expect some basic telepathy. It forces his students to fight in a weakened state, making them stronger and developing endurance, and teaches them what to expect in battle. Antroku’s students don’t generally look forward to his class, but many who have graduated are thankful for it, realizing just how physically strenuous battle can be, especially for some Dasaka disciplines.


Antroku holds the Three Dasaka Values more equally than others of Clan Diakura, for each is important to him as a martial artist. Power is vital to the way of the warrior, but cannot be attained without the discipline of Order, and is worthless without the Honor to use that responsibly.


While the tightly controlled social status of males has prevented some Diakura from teaching in the past, Antroku was permitted to do so for a very simple reason-


No one is better at melee combat than he is.


Antroku sought to learn melee combat at a young age because he saw an edge in it, something that few other Dasaka had mastered. His love of this technique results in him having far greater respect for the Taajar Culture than some might ever show, thanks to their focus on physical combat. They are perhaps among the few individuals who would be able to compete with him. However, his respect for them must be kept hidden due to his status. Through manuscript translation, he has learned to read and write an archaic form of Vulgar Taa, necessary to access some of the best information on old styles of martial arts.


Because of his status as a male, and his unique respect for the Taajar, Antroku sympathizes with some of the lesser classes, feeling how confined they are to their roles. He hopes that there might someday come a change in order, but knows not how to bring it about. While he sees some potential for dishonor among the merchants, his private desire is to see the boundaries between the castes lessened. Overall, this discontention is one of the few things that could inspire his disloyalty to Toroshu or Rora.


Weakeness:As a Soulsword and Mindarm, Antroku is prone to some lack of awareness as to his energy levels, and more prone to tiring due to the strenuous nature of his tasks. He is more reluctant to turn against those of weaker castes. He is not skilled at resisting Sighteyes, but his martial arts training has improved his sense of self and willpower, making him more resistant to Willhammers.



IC:Antroku turned to a set of twelve students-this was their first day at the School of the Mind on Sado. As they filtered through the door, he turned to them, “Welcome to Melee Combat I, otherwise known as Bruises 101. Please place your masks and weapons in the pile. Note that you will not use powers for the duration of this class-you, yes, you, get your brain out of the plane.” He pointed at one student in particular.


Another student spoke up,”Sir, if-“The second she said it, she knew she had made a mistake. Her speech was abruptly cut off as Antroku flexed a finger. She slammed into the padded wall behind her-no doubt it had been padded for a reason named Antroku. The student in question fell face-first to the floor, letting out a load groan of pain that made the whole class uneasy. One nearly moved to check on her fellow Menti, but a warning stopped them all.




“Lesson One:The battlefield deals physical punishments for no reason whatsoever. In order to prepare you for this, so do I. Past students nicknamed this class Bruises 101 because they leave with about that many bruises every day.”


“Now, I know what you’re all thinking-how will we fight if we can’t use our powers? I hear students wine about that every semester. The answer is that you will use your fists and feet, nothing more.”


“There are many good reasons for practices like these on the battlefield-for one, taking our Kanohi off replicates exhaustion. Thus, you will learn how to keep fighting even when you are tired beyond belief-trust me, this will happen. Battle offers no rest for the weary. If you ever run out of energy, if your powers prove ineffective, the tactics you will learn here are your last resort. Use them wisely.”


“Pick a partner-and don’t pick someone you’ll hold back with. Because if you hold back, you'll fight me, at fully masked mental might.”

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Very powerful. :) Okay, let's get the rest of the clan's opinion (unless we have two male slots for some reason)! Looking forward to the clan being complete.


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Replying to a bunch of comments:


It is Daikura., not Diakura. If I ever said the second one, it was a typo and I apologise.


I'll roll twice more, one for Falcon Lord and once for me.


The person who runs Tarakona could well have two powers. It's well worth applying in any case. if you like, I can do it through the clan petitioning PM I already have set up with Nuju, just to keep all of that stuff in one place.


I think our clan needs a Sighteye - we don't have any yet (I think).


Still mulling over the male.

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Cool. I'll start writing up cool combo attack with Soulsword/Mindarm Menti powers. I'll be back with it in... one or two days? One day, hopefully.


Scratch that. Here it is:

Greetings, esteemed Toroshu Daikura Ihi, Datsue Daikura Numetju, and the Elder Council of Clan Daikura,


I, humble Menti Daikura Irkon, have been preparing a report on Daikura Reiko's skill usages in combat as part of the Clan Elders' Proposal to evaluate her eligibility to fully complete the Soulsword Discipline Course in addition to the Mindarm Discipline she currently excels in. These are the most creative combinations she has been using in her current Soulsword Matriculation Class, combining Soulsword and Mindarm abilities. You will find them in Appendix :a:.


As always, it is entirely posiible to purge Daikura Reiko's mind of any Soulsword knowledge should the esteemed Elder Daikura Council deem her unworthy of the skills. I, Daikura Irkon, will carry out the purging myself.

This is a matter of serious importance, after all. A Menti with two diciplines is a serious matter to be evaluated carefully.


Your humble Menti,


Menti Daikura Irkon.

Appendix :a:


When in combat, Reiko usually tries to use her Mindarm powers to levitate opponents in the air and levitate nearby objects to hit the opponent before being in melee range. Alternatively, Soulsword Shurikens are used. When her concentration starts to be exhausted, she slams the opponents onto the ground and finishes them off with her crystal Tachi(larger and curvier Katana).


If already in melee combat, Reiko will use her Mindarm Powers to stop blade swings mid-swing, deliver a brute force blow by Soulsword Energy, and use her Kanohi Sanok to hit the flying opponent with Psychophysical Shurikens or Levitated objects.


She may also throw herself backward with her Mindarm powers, thus putting herself at a distance before proceeding with the first combination.


In summary:


1.Mindarm powers to levitate opponents in the air.


2a.levitate nearby objects to hit the opponent in mid-air.


2b.Soulsword Shurikens are used.


3.When her concentration starts to be exhausted, she slams the opponents onto the ground and finishes them off with her crystal Tachi(larger and curvier Katana).


4.Will use her Mindarm Powers to stop blade swings mid-swing.


5. Deliver a brute force blow by Soulsword Energy


6. Fling herself away from the opponent.


In other words, if at a distance, combination 1-2a/b-3.


If at melee range and combat has started, combination 4-5-2a/b-3



Send in both quotes separately. Seperate uotes, but same PM.
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Players should note I added both male profiles and preview posts into the body of the blog post itself, for easy reference. If the clan could come to a decision ASAP it will be of benefit to both Tabby and I. Thank you. :)

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Me too. Kogo and Antroku are both strong characters and would be an asset to the Clan, but since we only have one male character slot, I think it would have to go to Kughii.


We can keep rolling though, any time one of us creates a new Dasaka character (whether they are Daikura or not). I'm hopeful that we could get Antroku as well. The numbers from the last two roles were 18 and 30.


There probably won't be any super-important "first post" for me to make. People can just get in and play, I think. I'd have trouble finding time to write big posts between a new job and limited Internet. And this new book series is swallowing my leisure time as well, but that's still very enjoyable.


Norik, your petition looks good. I'll send it to Nuju and see what he thinks. What title would you like for the character. Warden of Castle Tarakona? Guardian, custodian? Something else?

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That's currently 2:0 in favor of Koga at this time. Other members of the clan please cast your vote (unless Lorax just made an executive decision, in which case my bad for posting this).

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I'm leaning towards Tabby, but Kughii's looks more interesting...

Koga ot is.


Also, Lorax, I suppose Warden Daikura Reiko sounds good. Guardian of Tarakona Palace is the job name, but Warden is the title.

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That's 4:0 in favor of Koga so far. Shall I go ahead and start working on an entry post? Also, Tabby, don't chuck out Antroku yet -- if we get another male sometime it'd be great to have your sword instructor!!

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Yeah, go for it. Everyone who was initially interested in the male position has given their opinion. Koga is now officially the first son of Clan Daikura. Congratulations, Kughii!

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