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I am in despair! My lack of PS3 has left me in despair!

My lack of PS3 has left me in despair!   So, I am currently lamenting the fact that I do not have possession of a PS3, which I really want, probably because the PS3 has lots of games that I want to buy, like 2nd Super Robot Wars Original Generations and Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3.   Yes yes, I know that 2nd SRW OGs is only in Japanese, and that DW: Gundam 3 is also for the 360, but mecha games man, mecha games. Of course, the only thing I really hate about the PS3 is the fact that Warriors Oroch

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Why Am I Friends With These People?

So, I was hanging out after school, having received my exam results, so decided to discuss my results with my friends. We were mid-way through talking about how Geography was a horrible subject and how it should die in a fire when another of my friends came up. He is usually the only bastion of sanity in the entirety of Year 8, but today, he seemed to have gone mad.   Crazy Friend: I think I drank [Friend Whose Name Starts With 'I']'s blood.   Me: ...   Other Friend: ... What?   Crazy Friend: I

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News for the Podcast

So, uh, the reason for our lack of BZPRPG Podcast?   Onarax and I have retired.   Go pester TD and Krayzikk for it now.

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The Evil Exams Are Coming

I now have to suffer due to my exams coming up soon. An entire week of evil - one that I cannot escape from.   And I am probably going to flunk Geography.

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What Major Arcana Represents Me?

So, I decided to do a random test to determine what Major Arcana fits me, because I was bored and yay tarot cards.   I got the Sun Arcana, with close connection to the Death Arcana as well.   Then I decided to find my Birth Arcana.   It was the Sun.   Yay.   I am totally a supernova now.

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Things to Do Before Death

List of Things I Want To Do Before Death Eat five Big Macs in a single outing Get stabbed DONE Sprain part of body DONE Break part of body Go to the Melbourne Anime Festival Actually reach Level 30 in League of Legends Write a book Eat haggis Drink goat milk Go to a country that is not China or Australia Get into a relationship Get a car Buy Microsoft Buy Apple Buy Nintendo Buy Sony Buy Panasonic (Screw Samsung) Go bungee jumping Eat food made from cloned animals Buy a Plays

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BZPRPG: The Podcast Episode 15

So, we have Episode 15 up. No interview. Pretty bland. Just a recap of this week. Have Tyler as a co-host. Because Onarax was lazy and Krayzikk busy.   http://bzprpgpodcast...T01_22_48-07_00   You know the drill. Discuss.

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I really have a screwed up sense of breakfast.   Like, on school days, I wake up, get dressed and brush teeth and all that jazz, and quickly take two pieces of bread and eat it on the car.   On holidays, I wake up at 12 pm and eat breakfast.   What is wrong with me?

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The Oda Clan Takes Over The World

So many, many weeks ago I bought Total War: Shogun 2 off Steam during the annual Summer Sale or something for 75% off, which meant it was reduced from $50 to $12.50. Pretty good deal if you ask me. Being an Australian of course, and the prices being in US dollars, I had an extra thirty cent reduction, compared to the US dollar price.   Anyway, back then, I finished some of the tutorials, and basically left it on my hard drive until the start of these holidays, when I decided to try playing again

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BZPRPG: The Podcast Episode 14

http://bzprpgpodcast...T02_34_17-07_00   Hey guys. 14th episode! With important interview with MicroSnipe focusing a lot on Mark Bearers!   So listen! And discuss!

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BZPRPG: The Podcast Episode 13

Hey guys! Guess what we have on this fine day?   If you guessed that it was the thirteenth episode of the BZPRPG Podcast, then you guess correctly! If you didn't, you obviously didn't read the blog post title! And why am I using so many exclamation marks?! Why am I rambling about this to you anyway?!   Ahem.   So after weeks of delay, we have finally gotten up this podcast episode, which will feature our reasons for the delay, along with some recent news. Recent as of yesterday, that is. Unfortu

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This Comedy Brings Salvation

So, Vorex decided to try and use something as ammunition against me in case I go crazy and try and take over BZPower.   ...   Not that I would actually do that ... *hides secret plans*   But anyway, back on topic. Our dear friend dug up one of my original works, a comedy I wrote when I was a mere week away from turning eleven, and would use it as a last-ditch effort if I ever went mad. However, I had a contingency plan.   If I revealed it myself, then he'd have no power! GENIUS!   Now everybody,

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BZPRPG: The Podcast Episode 12

We have Episode 12 of the Podcast. From last week. No interview. Onarax lies.   Sorry.   It's outdated, but it might be fun to listen to.   http://bzprpgpodcast3.podomatic.com/entry/2012-08-19T02_30_14-07_00

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BZPRPG: The Podcast Episode 10

Here's the 10th Episode of the BZPRPG Podcast.   There IS NO ECHO. What are you talking about?   http://bzprpgpodcast.podomatic.com/entry/2012-07-29T01_11_53-07_00   It will embedded on the main site later.

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