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Horrible Nightmare



Okay, so I will admit, its been a while since I have had one, but this one was horrible.

For the past week or so, my dreams have been really vivid. They have been really weird, but this tops it all.


I say what I can remember.


I was in my old house. For some reason my crush was downstairs arguing with my sister(For some reason they had be friends in this dream, even though they have never met)


I cant remember to much, but I remember I heard shouting(They were now in the upstairs bathroom(Not what you're thinking XD))


Then I think I heard a bang or something and I ran into the bathroom. My sister was gone and it was just my crush. She was lying there on the floor covered in blood. I dont know what happened but lets just say my sister had smashed over the head with something for the sake of explanation.


I ran up to her and rested the back of he head in my hand. She died looking up at me. It was horrible. Just before she died she handed me a pecie of paper with a reversed pentagram(Dont ask, really)


I remember thinking it felt so real, because I was thinking how horrible it would be that I would never see her again, for like an eternity.


I also remember feeling sad about how my sister was a murderer and what I was going to do. Should I call the police or not.


I felt real fear and anger, which is unusual for my dreams.


When I awoke, I was still really shaken up by it and it took me a while to actually realise it was a dream.


One of the worst nightmares I have had in a long time.






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