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One last look

I think I've been on this site for almost seventeen years.  In that time I've made a terrible comic series, had some fun in General Art, added a handful of unfinished stories to the library and made a few friends and acquaintances along the way.   If any of you here want to keep in contact, my twitter handle is attached to my profile.  It's goofy and weird and a bit of a mess, just like my time on this site.                              The more time has passed, the more I recognize

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

To Karz and back again

Wish me luck folks.  There's gonna be a meeting tomorrow with me included about how I'm bad at my job.  Such highlights will be "I can't single-handedly bake everything by myself for the entire weekend"  and "We need to hire a new employee.  We have been down an assistant since May." And that's not to discredit "The reason I can't do as much as my manager is because they have over thirty years of experience in this job.  I haven't been with this company for a single year and the other jobs I hav

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


I'm still around.  Kinda.  Definitely probably still here.     I got a sunburn the other day.  I was helping with yardwork.    I ordered a new phone which should be in tomorrow.    Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh   I had a dream earlier in the week about my late dog.  She was in my bed and we were hanging out like old times.  It was good to see her again.    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm   Bonkles r rad   knock knock who's there? Bo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Some thoughts on baking

Very few places still make desserts and breads from scratch these days.  And even the ones that do use some cheats like cake mixes, icing that gets shipped in buckets or just factory made products.   Baking from scratch to me seems to be a bit of a lost art.  In my entire career I've worked in three locations that made everything from scratch.  In all of those locations I was the only baker/pastry chef and the workload was always demanding.  It can be a lot for one person to run a bake

Ending the year

Maybe 2020 will be a good year.   2019 for me was just a lot of surviving and recovery.  I'd just like some peace in the new year.     2019 wasn't all bad.  Even some of the more challenging moments lead to some good things this year.  I know a little more about myself now.   This was the first year I didn't go to pride adter going two years a row to the Seattle pride parade.  I'm back in Ohio now and Pride isn't really celebrated in my hometown.  This next year I s

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Late @ Night With Tekulo

Hello and welcome back to Late @ Night With Tekulo!  Yes, that's always been the title of this show. After episode one was a rousing success, and popular demand, we are here on episode 2! During this holiday season, work has been keeping me busy.  On my days off, however, I feel a bit of unease.  There really isn't much to do here in my hometown.  I have no local friends, no means to get out of the house and really no place to go hang out if I could get out anyway.  I find myself missi

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

The Tekulo Show

Welcome to the Tekulo show!  A show where I answer any question from any audience member!  (The audience is you, dear reader!)   I'm totally not just doing this to waste time on my day off work.  So ask away!   (AMA?  That's not a real thing)

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

This title is required

I've been watching the new Ducktales.  It has some pretty good moments in it and I find it very charming.   Also Steven Universe Future has aired four episodes and they are very good.  They deal with aspects of the show I've been dying to see for a long time.   Other than that, work has been stressful.  I feel like I'm screwing up a lot, but that comes with being new to a job.  I'm increasingly unsure if baking is something I want to be doing for the rest of my life.  I'm als

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA   Edit:  Still alive here.   Sorry for the screaming, I just remembered the blogs exist this morning and I only had a minute before I started work to make an entry for old times sake.  Given the short time I had, I feel it was good.     Anyway, uhhhhhhhh stuff has been happening.  I got a job, quit that job and then got another job.  The second job seems good so far.  I actually get to take

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

So I ordered...

you to shut up Queen Watevera WaNabi's build Whatever box and it looks fun despite the fact I can't MOC to save my life.   Also I will never have time to play with it, it will end up rotting in my collection and why did I do this to myself?   ~Tekulo

LEGO made a song with my kind of aesthetic

Finally saw The LEGO Movie 2 and Not Evil has been stuck in my head.   I also really like Catchy Song and Gotham City Guys. I mutter the lyrics to them under my breath as I work in a bakery to stop the dreaded feeling that life is terrible.   ANYWAY   This song is now stuck inside my hea-a-a-ad.   ~Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Moving forward

Keeping this susinct, I moved back to Ohio for medical reasons. I had a second mental breakdown, failed to set up proper doctors at the West Coast, and I had to pack up, move and say goodbye in less than a day (which wasn't easy on two different levels).   I'm going through a long and expensive process of getting a new diagnosis. I am on new meds now. Some professionals seem to think I'm bipolar. We'll see.   So yeah I was reckless with my health, I was overworked and constantly making o

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Hey everyone! Been a while.   Life's been keeping me busy with work, walks, family visiting, the occasional (very occasional) trip to Seattle and procrastination on things that are important that I should be doing right now. I got about... five(?) hours of sleep last night and I'm at the end of my day so boy howdy that is a thing. XP (meanwhile someone out there reading this is on no sleep for the past three days and is screaming at their computer screen right now).   There's a lot I could p

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Love, Simon

I just got back home from the movies. I'm normally not a movie person, personally. Movies tend to be about heteronormative romances on the side of some other quirk designed to sell tickets for whatever special effects the industry wants to show off this time. Okay, maybe that's a tad unfair because I'm not a movie person, but that's how I generally view them. And it's not like I dislike every movie. But mostly I stick to Disney movies. That has changed lately as I am now a bus ride or a decent w

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


This weekend has been sunny and warm. I spent the past two days just walking around town and it's just been so nice.   Really can't wait for Spring.

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

I'm giving up on my dreams

I just can't get my hopes up anymore.   I really just want to be happy. But that doesn't just happen after years of depression and anxiety. I would love it, really love it, if I could just not be anxious or depressed anymore. But I could move a thousand times and life could go perfectly and I'd still be stressed out.   It takes work and it takes time and there are going to be days where I'm just exhausted and miserable and don't want to deal with anything.   I dunno. I feel I've had a

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Gender Identity Stuff

So this is just me trying to figure out where I stand on my gender identity. I know to some this could seem like "oh what a special snowflake -eyeroll-" but this blog isn't for those people.   So... I identify as genderqueer. That could mean a lot of different things potentially. For me it's... weird.   I kind of alqays identified with female leads in storytelling more so than male ones. I kind of realized lately that I think I hold myself to a feminine standard of beauty. Like for exa

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


So this past weekend I decided to spend a night in Seattle. I got some bonus cash over the holidays so I decided to give it a go. Now, this was my first trip that I've fully planned by myself. Booking the hotel, making travel arrangements, etc. It was a bit stressful as things didn't go totally as planned. XD Luckily for me, I have a friend who lives in the area who was able to show me around.   And, well, I honestly loved it. I don't know why, but I've always sort of loved cities. The people,

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Still Alive btw

Whew, been a while.   So to keep y'all updated, I did go through with the move to WA. I have a room for rent in a house and my landlord and housemate are very nice people.   Being in OH with my family was a way stressful living situation so hopefully my time here will give me some space to breathe. Also, you know, it seems generally more LGBT friendly than where I was before. Like I'm still in a more conservative area, but nobody knows me here and omg that alone is so much less pressure.   Bu

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

Kaleidoscope Tekulo

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