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Things that currently bug me

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


BIONICLE - Pohatu's profile: Powers: able to smash rocks and throw them because he is strong. You can completely ignore that dust tornado thing that he was flying in, that's totally not canon.


People on the internet do not know how to debate well, and instead of trying to educate themselves, they resort to mud-slinging and simple-mindedness and it kinda totally irks me sometimes (this happens offline too). It's totally fine to not know something, but don't claim to be involved in a cause you know nothing about, srsly...


Gluten. Gluten is srsly a huge threat to everything you have ever cared about. If you eat any bread, you must cleanse yourself with rice and potato starch. It is the leading cause of all problems in the world and we must stop eating it. This is not an issue for just a select group of people that have a legitimate condition that prevents them from eating gluten. No, this is something super serious for all inhabitants of the Earth, including those secretly stationed on the moon. WE MUST NOT REST UNTIL THIS THREAT IS ELIMINATED!


You should all despise generic popular scapegoat, too. That thing is the worst of all the things.


I am staying up late and I will be throwing my sleep schedule out the window.


So, yeah. Life's not too bad right now.


This entry brought to you by eleven fantabulous years of BZPower. Love this place.




~Melon Lord

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