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It feels so great to be back!

Hey people. I'm alive. I can't believe it's been since October. Things have changed, some good, some bad, but I'm happy to be back. I hope to be more active on this site, I still enjoy collecting bionicle sets. I hope to be collecting more, But there's not much left for me to collect. Logging back on the site brings such a wave of nostalgia, it's mind blowing. this is all for my blog entry right now. I hope to have a lot of fun on bzp.

Great Being Velika

Great Being Velika


I recently tried to win the manas on ebay (by recently, I mean 45 seconds ago). It had a reserve, so I got it up to $35 when there was 10 seconds left to try to break the reserve. A few milliseconds later, it had gone up to $50, then a second later, $100, then it ended . On the plus side, a couple days ago, I got a sealed Muaka and Kane-ra for $50 buy it now .

Great Being Velika

Great Being Velika

It's been a while

So, I'm back. A couple updates, firstly, I couldn't go to bricks cascade because I had an audition to go to (I made it), and secondly, I would like to be more active, I just got Vezon & Kardas, and ordered a Muaka and kane ra, so hopefully that can reignite my love of these guys. That's it until next time.

Great Being Velika

Great Being Velika

Bricks Cascade

So, yeah. I asked my mom and she said if I don't get suspended anymore, she will drive me to Bricks Cascade. Who will I meet? I do really want to see my own MOC though.

Great Being Velika

Great Being Velika


I used my christmas money to finally get Tahu, Kohrak, and Lehvak! I have finally completed my Toa and Bohrok collections!

Great Being Velika

Great Being Velika

My twin

There is a guy name "The Great Being Velika." If we both get on staff one day, Black Six will have just an AMAZING time trying to tell us apart.

Great Being Velika

Great Being Velika

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