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Bye for now!

So, It's time to say good bye to the blog for a while, I said all the important stuff, anyway. But this blog will be back either next anniversary or when I go Premier (which might be a while since I'm, ya know...poor). So, until next time, C-Ya!

The Legendary TNT

The Legendary TNT

QftT Kit

So, I want to try to make a Quest for the Toa Kit, but I can't do it without you. Anyone who has a GBA emulator on their PC, please take as many PNG screenshots as possible and PM them to me. Don't edit them, just leave that to me. Thanks, guys!

The Legendary TNT

The Legendary TNT


So, for a while now, even before I joined BZP, I had a concept. A concept to take BIONICLE into a whole new direction while keeping its roots. A concept that would shift your ideas of time and space. A concept that would just blow people's ideas of what BIONICLE could be out of the water. That concept is BIONICLE: New Dawn.   This is a storyline that I plan on making some time in the far future that is based on how I used to play with my toys as a kid. The story takes place in 250 AGC (or does i

The Legendary TNT

The Legendary TNT

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