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Band Camp...



Well, I've been through one week of band camp. My lips are exhausted due to all the playing. Marching I don't really care about, that doesn't exhaust me. The playing is what gets me.


Why, you ask?


...I'm literally the loudest trumpet player in the band...and, no, that isn't ego talking, as much as it may sound that way... >>;;


Thus my lips were killing me. By midday Friday my lips had the shapes of my teeth engraved into the inside of them. Perhaps that clears all that up.


I'm really glad we're playing "The Final Countdown," one of my favorite songs to play. ^^ We played it in jazz band my sophomore year, and I'm trying to get my jazz director to bring it back this year. ^^


Okay, enough band nerd talk. I'm sure I'm boring you.


I have a new comic up as of July 30. I made a little block to the left for all of you with a link to both my comics and my stories. If you have free time, please take time to read if you're a fan of one or the other. I'd greatly appreciate it. ^^ The stories have been neglected for a while, but revival's allowed in the Library, so post away.


Umm...I think that's it. Power to the trumpets. :smeag:


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Yeah. Go band camp. Mine starts in a couple weeks. :P


Oddly enough, clarinet/tenor/euphonium player Onuki just started trying out the trumpet. He also found out that after a week of instruction at music camp, he wasn't really all that bad at it. He even thinks that he could probably join the trumpet section now if he wanted to (without being the absolute worst player).


However, he did not discover why he started talking in the third person.

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Ah, the dreaded third person. Took control of a friend of mine, but now she's better. ^^;


Anywho, glad to hear another joining the trumpet ranks. Glad you like it. Moving up the ranks from clarinet to tenor to baritone, then you go to a smaller instrument. :lol: Quite funny.


Good to know some people like my nerdy ramblings. :P


Also, is the reason you start band camp later because your school starts later? If so, I envy you. We start August 26 or something...a Thursday, which IMO is stupid, because we don't get a single full week until after Labor Day, which is when we should start school... *sigh*


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Clayman hates people that talk in 3rd person O_0.


Band Camp is the coolest place on earth, except for maybe CRCAP, that place is hardcore. Yeah, when I was at band camp, and we had the standard rock-type setting (Drums, Bass, 2 Guitars, Vox) but for some strange reason there were like a bazillion wood-wind instruments that year. We decided to do "Hung Up" by Madonna, it was freakin brilliant! The woodwinds were playing that weird synth in the chorus and I got to sing and I was all like "EVERY LITTLE THING THAT YOU SAY OR DO, I'M HUNG UP! I'M TIRED OF WAITING ON YOU" dats where my awesomness is at. Whoah, that was a run-on sentence ending with a preposition. The nightmare or every grammer freak. Man, I wish I could go to Ohio, "The Final Countdown" is like the best song of all time.

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