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Advertising Policy Change & Assorted Anniversary Notes



To sum up my feelings:



Also, "official" BZPower Facebook page. Because that should be shared too.


I was just thinking the other day how much I wished this were included with the other anniversary overhauls of the site, and I am so excited it has FINALLY happened. ^_^ These have been some great changes and additions. The raffle feature in particular I quite like.


Aaand I've now been here for 10 years as of a few days ago. Yay spinny Tohu. :3




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Yeah I noticed those after the fact... Still never thought simply pasting the URL would be enough. That's not exactly intuitive at all but did succeed in making me feel/look stupid, yay...

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It's mostly clean, and there is BZP staff who actively monitors it.


You'll get the odd person who does either swear or post something above a certain age group on it, but those posts are so few in between to begin with, and it's easy enough to report it and it gets removed (eventually). I imagine with this new policy in place, it'll be more strictly monitored.

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Okay, okay, not "official."


Anyways, DV is one of the people who run it, and he does a good job of keeping it under control.

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Please note - the Facebook page is not officially endorsed or maintained by the BZPower Administration.

Pfffft whatever, it's run by myself, Nukaya, and Aho. That's pretty endorsed in my book.

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