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Happy New Year!

HEY GUYS LET'S MAKE 2018 AMAZING. Because 2017 was one of the most exhausting years I've had to contend with.   Between current events, moving six hours away to a new town, a medical withdrawal from college (after attempting to return from a six year hiatus), my dad getting a serious cancer, financial problems (but at least I have generous family and friends to keep me homeless), health still NOT improving, friend struggles, and...I'll just cut the list early there. Suffice to say you get the id

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

the release date for CATALYST is...

August 2nd!!!   Okay guys! Just updating to say I finally have a stable release date for my Bionicle webcomic. The entire prologue (roughly 15 pages) will be released August 2nd. It coincides with Brickfair Virginia! Chapter 1 will then be updated everyday during Brickfair (until the 6th). From there, the updates will slow down to twice or three times a week, with the occasional break to keep a healthy buffer up.   I'm so excited to show this project to all of y'all! Thank you so much for the pa

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Art or Writing?

I'm kinda excited for 'The Legend Continues' contests. Usually I'm not very competitive...but guys...that prize is an artbook. I'm a sucker for those. Bionicle artbook? Welp.   Curious...should I enter the art or writing contest? I honestly have good ideas for both, but guess it depends what I'm feeling or what will be best suited for the idea in the end. I'd appreciate any input or what you'd be most interested in from me. Art would likely be the obvious one, but writing still holds a special p

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

moving east

Right now I'm living south of Nasvhille. I love it here, but it's too expensive. and I don't like the surrounding areas much either to live in. My initial plan was to go out west, to Denver, but that dream has fallen short. Smaller steps, I reckon.   East coast is great too though! My brother and I are moving pretty much to the edge of Tennessee, Johnson City. ETSU is there and it's a small town with mountains!!! I'm sold, honestly. if things work out, we move mid-July. Found a nice apartment an

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

2017 Check In

Hi guys!   Who still gets on blogs??? I'm not sure myself. Just checking in. I still check the BZPower news a lot and I'm occasionally trying to force myself back on the forums. Not sure about the status and health of everything, though? Shame about GEN2 ending and all.   Oh but guys don't forget I'm wasting my precious little free time (when I'm not sick) on a Bionicle webcomic! It's hand drawn! Silly humanized bonkles! You should all ask me about it! It'll be rad!   How is everyone doing, othe

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Brickfair VA 2016

[insert things such as 'it was fun!' and 'i got to meet lots of new and old friends!' and 'the MoCs were amazing!']   But in the end, thank you everyone for helping me get up there considering my financial situation. The Pates (though they couldn't come this year) helped a lot as did Ben/CF, making sure I had the funds for food, lodging, and all that. Thank you Jamison/Brappy Hour for letting me and my brother room with you, and for being a wonderful person who I could trust and feel safe by. Th

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Checking in

Hi everyone. Long time no chat.   Nothing very new or important to report. Just struggling to get by. Hoping to start seeing a light at the end of the black hole, you know?   I'll be going to brickfair in VA this year again. Who else is coming?   I'm not really sure what else to say, hmm. Anyone want to throw questions at me? Or how is everyone else? Summer going well so far?

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

what's up

yooo its holiday season cool stuff   things i've been up to   - had to leave my nannying job so I'm going to have to find something else. Which will be hard, because - I'm one sad sick blob that's clawing for solutions. seeing doctors and trying new things to get better. hopefully something works! - being sick and jobless sucks because you can't win. too sick to work, but need money for bills. ??? - I entered the bzp secret santa thing. can't wait to get started! - I GOT A CINTIQ!!! With the hel

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Coming Soon! Bionicle comic series!

I've announced on other websites I frequent, but I forgot to mention here on BZP. I'm currently working on a series of short comics devoted to BIONICLE, particularly during the Makuta takeover arch. Frankly, I was upset in the direction of the story after Mahri Nui, so I'm working on redoing it. Obviously, this is my AU and I don't want to force it on anyone, but mayhaps some people will enjoy it?   Here's quick facts about it:   - To be released January of 2016 (though will keep everyone update

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

and it was a wonderful adventure

I will hold the experiences and joy close to my heart, and not forget all the friendships formed and solidified.   I really don't have much to say. I'm almost speechless. I could spend a long time rambling about the details, but admittedly, I'm fatigued beyond belief and may pass on that. Perhaps later I will. But for now, know that it was the highlight of my year.   Things have been really hard on me for a long time. Finances and life and health. So hard. There were times recently where I wasn'

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

brickfair get

I'll see everyone there (:   If you'd like a quick sketch done by me, and I'm not overloaded, come by and bug me! Free to any BZPower member. <3

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Bionicle tattoo

Thank you all for taking the time to answer my questions! Super super helpful for developing my story! I love seeing the diversity in the answers, but I was also surprised on some common desires. I'm going to try my best to reply to everyone asap.   Oh, yeah, also...

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Bionicle survey thing?

Okay guys, as I’m working on this Bionicle novel…I got some questions if y’all don’t mind answering! I’d love input!   No need to answer all these questions if you don't want to. And this is for writing purposes--I'm not trying to pretend I'm all self important and changing the real canon. Just my alternate universe. What were a few things that you didn’t like in the storyline, and wished was changed? (e.g. a event, character death, lack of character death, etc) What’s your favourite ships? Or

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

BIONICLE series incoming...

So my descent into further madness has begun.   The last full feature novel I wrote was Glitch in the System, completed in 2009. It was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had concerning a artistic project, and I want to experience that again.   I do not consider myself much of a writer at all, but I enjoy it, and that’s what counts. So, I’d like to announce I’m working on a new series! (listens to two people clapping in distance)   What’s it about? Well, to put it simply, I was not content wi

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Premier Membership Winner

The magic number was 351. Doing the math, Smooth Jazz was just 11 off, making him the closest.   Congrats! I'll get your premier membership set up asap   <3

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Premier Membership Giveaway

I think I can do this?   Hey guys. Just felt like doing some fun in my blog. Choose a number between 1 and 500. I'll use a random number generator. Whoever gets the closest to my chosen number wins a free Premier Membership for a year.   Obviously, if you already have a membership you can't enter. Only one entry per person, too. Deadline is August, 14th.

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

something in the works

just wanted to announce I'm working on a new epic/novel that involves Bionicle that will definitely debut here in a few months. I will keep you guessing what it'll be about until I can make a proper poster. I'm very excited for this because I haven't had a serious project to work on since Glitch in the System. (which, btw, is being posted again; lightly touched up and edited to boot)   I mean, well technically, I could start on the original graphic novel version of Glitch, but I feel that's a hu

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

how do bzprpg

hey guys, I really would like to get involved with the RPG happenings here--but, I have no idea how to start or what's going on or if I should wait or anything help   If someone could volunteer to teach me the ways of BZPRPG and so forth, that would be awesome. I will pay you in hugs and invisible cookies.   I'm reading the rules and everything now, but a mentor would be awesome!

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

human bionicle art

http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/13928-lady-ks-human-bionicle-thread/?do=findComment&comment=709696   you should all totes check it out and yeah.   i'm going to start drawing again ???

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

I accidently

got back in Bionicle   oops   and this happened before there was some weird rumor about Bionicle returning, too? (idk anything on that just something I've heard from various friends)   anyway totes been hiding out in BS01 a lot refreshing my memory and will probably watch the movies soon, etc. Lots of nostalgia and feels.   What I've really fallen into is making my own fanon universe. Which is pretty much the same as the original but everyone is 'human' (somewhat? depends on speices? still worki

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

oh, um, well

i felt nostalgic.   what's up with me: I turn 22 on the 31st (I can't believe I was 14 when I joined this here website) moved out on my own working on a graphic novel/webcomic series (based off Glitch in the System) yes I'm still doing art, though i'm extremely rusty still suffering from health problems still not in school busy working two jobs is continually a derp still secretly loves Bionicle still, especially doodling human versions of them planning to make a return to Brickfair thi

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

back from my adventure

TLH/Turakii's wedding, getting to tour D.C., and Brickfair was amazing. Really. The best vacation I've ever been on.   I'm so blessed to have such amazing friends that I've met through here, and also getting to know new people! I really apologize if I didn't get to hang out with everyone like I wanted, I'm so so sorry. I kept getting pulled in different directions and since it was my first time here it was a bit overhwelming, but in a good way of course.   I'm definitely planning on going next y

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

Midnight nostalgia

BZP hi I miss all off you bbies lots of hugs how is everyone?   I am really avoiding going to bed after a grusome 15 hour work day and I don't want to work agian tomorrow, so I thought, hey, I haven't been on BZP in awhile   so here have a picture of HB Zaktan pouting     <3

Lady Kopaka

Lady Kopaka

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