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Dead Island

Lady Kopaka


anyone seen the trailer? i'm not much into zombie games, but after viewing the announcement trailer, all I could thing of is "wow". must be on my top favourite gaming trailers (the trailers are half the fun of the game itself)


ah yeah, im kinda being a zombie over here myself. havent been on bzp much lately, sorry guys. a lot going on but such is life. i have done lots of drawings but have yet to finish any of them. don't even ask about writing--done nothing other than bloody college essays


umm...just trying to make conversation. i miss getting on here. hi guys. what's up? favourite trailer of yours?


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I'm with ChocolateFrogs here on the awesome Portal 2 St. Valentine's Day promo.


However, most epic trailer I've ever seen? I'd have to go with the extended Deus Ex: Human Revolution trailer. Everytime I watch it I'm like GRAAAHHHHH WANNA PLAY NAO!


...Speaking of vidya gaems, I wonder how much of the Half Life games you've actually played through yourself as opposed to your brother(s). xP


Ah well, as long as somebody is enjoying them. d=


«Takuma Nuva»
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I'm hoping the gameplay can live up to the epicness of the trailer and as vezok said the crysis 2 story trailer was one of the most epic imo.

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Arpy wins the Cake, i think.


That IS a very nice trailer - very awesome.




Now, for Video Game Trailers... i dunno - havn't seen many lately - havn't been interested lately in a lot of games =P

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I don't understand how people ENJOY a graphic zombie game like that one.


It really doesn't help with anything. It waste time. Your sitting by yourself (more like scaring yourself), hacking up, what were, people. For what? for the sake of pleasure. Your planting violent images in your mind.

When really you should be thinking of more pleasurable things. Really now, the last thing you would want to do is watching something so revolting.


I don't know, that's just my opinion.


Inception's trailer FTW man.



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I'm with ChocolateFrogs here on the awesome Portal 2 St. Valentine's Day promo.


However, most epic trailer I've ever seen? I'd have to go with the extended Deus Ex: Human Revolution trailer. Everytime I watch it I'm like GRAAAHHHHH WANNA PLAY NAO!


...Speaking of vidya gaems, I wonder how much of the Half Life games you've actually played through yourself as opposed to your brother(s). xP


Ah well, as long as somebody is enjoying them. d=


«Takuma Nuva»

probably 80% of the time it's my brothers...i dont really have time to play games right now. i really am enjoying the games though


Also hi LK! =3

hi EW


I don't understand how people ENJOY a graphic zombie game like that one.


It really doesn't help with anything. It waste time. Your sitting by yourself (more like scaring yourself), hacking up, what were, people. For what? for the sake of pleasure. Your planting violent images in your mind.

When really you should be thinking of more pleasurable things. Really now, the last thing you would want to do is watching something so revolting.


I don't know, that's just my opinion.


Inception's trailer FTW man.



you dont have to rant about it. i never said i liked zombie games either but the trailer is really good. people have different tastes

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I don't understand how people ENJOY a graphic zombie game like that one.


It really doesn't help with anything. It waste time. Your sitting by yourself (more like scaring yourself), hacking up, what were, people. For what? for the sake of pleasure. Your planting violent images in your mind.

When really you should be thinking of more pleasurable things. Really now, the last thing you would want to do is watching something so revolting.


I don't know, that's just my opinion.


Inception's trailer FTW man.



funniest thing I've read all week.


anyway favorite trailer is probably the Watchmen trailer, if only for the music and how well it goes with the footage.. and it's just overall epic.


for video games.. if the Team Fortress 2 "Meet the Team" videos count (more like promotional videos than trailers, but eh) then definitely those.

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Oh god that trailer made me cry so much. If it's even half as good as that, I'm gonna need more tissues. Though yeah, it illustrates exactly why the zombie apocalypse wouldn't actually be much fun at all.


I don't know if I can really name a favorite trailer. Usually I'm terrible at keeping track of pre-release hype of any kind. I just wait until it gets released and can actually be reliably verified as good to care. But that was advertised to me as having a specifically good trailer worth watching, so yeah.

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I don't understand how people ENJOY a graphic zombie game like that one.


It really doesn't help with anything. It waste time. Your sitting by yourself (more like scaring yourself), hacking up, what were, people. For what? for the sake of pleasure. Your planting violent images in your mind.

When really you should be thinking of more pleasurable things. Really now, the last thing you would want to do is watching something so revolting.


I don't know, that's just my opinion.


Inception's trailer FTW man.



Because sometimes people are so tired and stressed out after a day of work and just want to blow stuff up or hack zombies in fact it would be much better if people took their rage out in video games instead of real people.

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Static somehow managed for once to come through clearly.


wait what?


Static =/= Clear signal.



But yeah, the difference is that people aren't playing any video games to help you with something. You play them TO waste time.


Besides, the "planting violent images for the sake of entertainment" could be said of movies, shows, Anime, art... Stories?


There's no use saying that watching a zombie movie is bad when you get virtually the same images in your head from a ton of anime (and this past day has shown me Anime that i NEVER want to see again......... okay well maybe but still) like... for example, Full metal Alchemist, or Death Note.


Besides, the idea of fighting something like zombies, dispite being formerly human, is interesting. Both because the human brain has a natural tendancy to gravitate towards fantasy, or unexplainable, or otherwise improbably or unreal scenarios. Not only that, but fighting something that's trying to KILL you, or the entire human race, brings out the survival instinct in people.


Point being, people play Zombie Games and Shooter Games for the same reason they do games like Dragon Age, or Final Fantasy, or Zelda.


Soooo............ Please, don't shake the lightbulb.



Imma end this by saying it's all a matter of opinion in what you gravitate towards, but just because you yourself cannot understand why doesn't mean you should rant about it in a blog. People have different tastes in Music, Stories, Art - can they not have different tastes in video games?

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