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So Much Awesome

Lady Kopaka


Hey y'all, been almost two weeks since I updated...lets see...


If it is possible to have such a awesome week that the sheer force of it could not be contained in this universe, this was it. And another to go!


Vezok's Friend made it to my place finally. Thanks to him my life has been a lot more exciting this past week (yay I have only been sick for one day of the week!), and we have one more to go! Our tomfoolery has involved rivers, shopping, melting under the heat, old spice, stopping at green lights, drawing, geeking out over Mass Effect, and a certain surprise for people who come to Brickfair! Alas, it seems I will be unable to go...but who knows?


Tomorrow the family, VF, and I shall be going to the beach for the weekend. Quite happy because we never go anywhere.


Umm...besides the usual apologizes of being inactive and all, what do you guys like reading in blogs? I can never think of anything to say these days.


Anyhow, got stuffs to attend to. Stay cool, BZP.


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I'm glad to hear you're having a fun time and that your overcoming your sickness this week. :) As for your question, I like it when blogs have variety. It's interesting when you get to see more then one aspect of a person, not just a tiny sliver. That's why I enjoy reading your blog, it not only has a wide variety of interesting topics, but also contains new art and stories you've created.
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Glad you've been having fun. :)


I really only read my friends' blogs, so if you're my friend then I will enjoy reading your blog. :P Blogging about life and projects is fine to me, though.

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How about some philosophical ramblings? I personally like to read about and discuss the nature of random stuff.


Sending good vibes your way, let's hope you'll be well enough for Brickfair!

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Veef'ika and LK together!?

Can the Universe contain the awesome?

For the sake of all us (slightly) less awesome people, I hope so.

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