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Random Entry - Strolling through school with Pokemon Music

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I am just popping in to give you all a life update since I hadn't done that in awhile. That and I don't have anything better to do today, while waiting for my class to start at school.


Well, actually I could be playing Pokemon Black 2, but I kind feel like holding that off to later in the day. Beside, I don't want to get too distracted since my class starts in about two hours. Oh, and the title for this entry has nothing to do with what I am going to talk about here. It is just reference to the source for writing this entry since the idea came to me, while strolling around school when one of my many old Pokemon anime songs was playing on my iThingy.


So what then am I going to talk about here? Well, for starters, I am feeling a bit better than I was last Friday, so health-wise things seem to be going well for me. I still have sniffy nose, but that's kind of normal for this type of weather for me. School has also been going well, although it has been a little too easy for my taste lately. Of course, that's hardly surprising considering I am only taken one course this semester (Its all I needed to graduate from the school.) and the class is going over mostly stuff that I already learn in previous course. *shrugs*


Oh, and speaking of school, I am kind of annoyed that they are adding how to use a 3D Printer to some of courses that I took previously. Why am I annoyed by this? Because I would of like to have learn that skill myself, especially considering it might of help me get maybe an interview with Boeing about a job (There was a job opening for someone with my set of skills, but I lack experience with 3D Printers unfortunately.). *shakes fist* So yeah, I might want to retake those courses to get that skill. Either that or try to teach myself by searching for guides on the internet. *shrugs*


In other news, I am still getting driving lessons from my father every Sunday, so the likelihood of getting my license before the end of year starting to appear like it might happen. I still don't have much faith in myself though and I feel like I am doing terrible in terms of progress. *shrugs* Hm...I am probably just being overly critical of myself since I only taken like two lessons so far, so really I shouldn't be expecting to pick up skill magically in one go.


Well, that's all the interesting bits about my life lately, so I guess I'll called this entry and posted it. Actually before I go, I think I should mention this; I am trying to start a mock-Pokemon battle in streetpass greetings since someone that streetpass-ed me last Monday had their greeting say, "Go, Onix" (Their Mii is Brock, by the way.) and I answered back with, "Go, Dewott." So here's to hoping I run into them again and they play along. :) I'll keep you post on that, if they do.


Alright, that's everything I have for you folks today. If I do end up playing Pokemon Black 2 later in the day, I'll try to get up a Pokelog today maybe. I am not making any promises though since I probably get too distract with Supernatural and Ninjago on tonight. With that said, thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a good day. Talk to you later, BZPers.


-JMJ 2012


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