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General Rambling: Firefly, the X-Files, and WIP MOCs

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I thought I should pop in today and give another little update here. Although I’ll admit not a whole lot has happen since my last entry really.


Just been doing the usual stuff during my free time, which for this month (March) seems be mostly watching stuff on Netflix and well, using Twitter to share random thoughts that I have. XD


So yeah, this is probably going to end up being a very TV show related entry as well, I would like to share some of my non-spoiler thoughts on the shows that I been watching.


I guess I’ll start off with Firefly since I mention I was watching it in the previous entry here. I believe finished that show about two weeks ago, so everything should be still fresh in my mind hopefully.


To start off, I enjoyed the show, although I am definitely disappointed that it was cancelled before anything could come of it. It look like it would been interesting, if it had been given the chance.


That being said, I wasn't a huge fan of follow up movie, Serenity. Not so much because some characters that I like died in it (Which I won't mention more than that for spoiler reasons) as I understood from story perspective why their deaths were necessary.


It was more because the plot felt extremely rushed to me and as well, I think my expectations were a bit too high for it (I blame the great movie finale that Farscape had for that.).


Of course, I am not saying I hate the movie (Serenity) as I like getting to see the crew again and getting some closure with mysteries surrounding River. And the "villain" of the film was also pretty awesome. So yeah, the film has a bit of mixed opinions for me.




"I'm a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar."




Moving right along, since I finished Firefly, I kind out of the blue decide to check out the X-Files since I always rather curious about that show (By coincidence, it was on the day that Fox confirmed that they were bringing the X-Files back next year.).


And well, I like it. It kind like FRINGE, but with more of focus on extraterrestrials and government conspiracies. Not sure what else to say really since I don't want to bored you with personal theories about an old 90s show.


Oh, and I am currently on Season 2, Episode 14.




"The Truth Is Out There."




Alright, so the last topic for this entry is WIP MOCs since I got a couple or so in work since I decided build, while I watch the X-Files on Netflix. XD So yeah, here's some links to them:


WIP Figure 1


WIP Figure 2


WIP Spaceship


I am not sure at this point if I will be shipping all of these MOCs (when they are finished) on the convention circuit. I am thinking about it though, especially "new" spaceship one (Which I might sent along with its "sibling" from last year's circuit as I think they both look rather good together.) *shrugs*


Oh, and I am thinking of maybe trying buy some LEGO light bricks as I think it might be neat to have parts of the spaceship light up. I am not sure how well that will go (Especially considering last time I ordered something LEGO related, I never got it. *sigh*), but I am going to see about giving it a shot at least.


What are you folks' thoughts on them so far? Just curious is all. I know they are nowhere near as good as any of ones that are posted in BBC forum, so I am not expecting praise or anything on them. XD


Well, I think that’s enough rambling for this entry. Thank you all for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day. Talk to you later, BZPers.


- JMJ 2015

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It's funny. I had the opposite reaction to Firefly: I thought the series was okay but thought the movie was awesome. Just goes to show how different people have different tastes, I guess.



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@TNTOS: Yeah. XD
In fairness to the movie though, I think my expectations of it probably were responsible for most of my disappointment in it. Had I not watched the show first, my opinions might have been reversed actually.
Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I hope you have a great day.
- JMJ 2015

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