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Um, So This Is A Blog.

Jedi Master J.


Well, I just want to started by thanking, the staff for all their hard work and for letting regular member like myself have looked at what it like to be a Premier member for a week. I always did want to be a Premier member, but my parents said it a waste of money, so I never became one. Well, at I get to see how it feel like for a week. Hmm...I am think about send a Moc to Omicron for Brickfest. I just don't know what one I should send since I think I got two good ones. Here a link to them: Neyo, the Future Dark Hunter and Yato, the Dark Hunter. One of them from a BBC contest and other one in a Short Story for my Celebration of one year here. Well, beside that I got Summer classes for Algebra 1(it not summer school, it a class during summer to get me ready for next year.) during the weekdays, which end on August 4. Well, I don't have anything else to say, so bye. I hope you enjoy my Blog. Happy Anniversary Bzpower! ~J.M.J.~


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Its a kind thing the admins let everyone get to become Premier for a week, its good for people who are unsure about becoming one or can't.


I'm doing Algerbra I also, good stuff.

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Maybe you could post pictures of your MOCs, and we can choose which one is the best!

Well, I just edit my entry and now their pictures. Go check them out if you want. I hope you like my Blog, Bionicle Dragon. Well, I hope you all can help me. ~J.M.J.~

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